I think I was mistaken


New member
I think I made a mistake about IBS being a symptom of Celiac's disease. I may have read it wrong. Sorry about that. Also, and I don't mean this mean, but I have been told NOT to give my children Karo syrup or mineral oil anymore b/c it has been suspected to cause Botulism like honey can. I used it with my 2 yr old bfore we figured out she had milk allergies. B/c she was constipated all the time. Thank you though for the suggestion. I know so much changes so often. It is completely different just from when I had my 2 yr old. I just wanted to put that out there just in case a lot of you use it b/c I know it works wonders. But, I'm a paranoid freak about my kids anyway, so if they say " It can do such and such" I just don't do it period. Also, while I'm thinking about it, my 2 yr old has excema and we were using Elidel. It was awesome. It was all over her face and it cleared it up in a week! Completely gone! Well, they put out a warning that it HAS caused skin cancer aong with another med that starts with a "P". I can't remember. But I didn't know how many would like to know about that. Thank you for all the replies.


New member
Celiac Disease has many of the same symptoms of IBS. If you go to www.celiac.org you can find more information.

Good Luck!