IBS common for CF patients?


New member
So I have had gurgling and cramping in my stomach after I eat for the past week. I thought i might need a larger dose of omperprazole and so changed my dose from 20 to 40 mg. It has helped however I am still having symtoms and through my research I think i may have irritable bowel syndrome. Is this common for CF patients?


New member
So I have had gurgling and cramping in my stomach after I eat for the past week. I thought i might need a larger dose of omperprazole and so changed my dose from 20 to 40 mg. It has helped however I am still having symtoms and through my research I think i may have irritable bowel syndrome. Is this common for CF patients?


New member
So I have had gurgling and cramping in my stomach after I eat for the past week. I thought i might need a larger dose of omperprazole and so changed my dose from 20 to 40 mg. It has helped however I am still having symtoms and through my research I think i may have irritable bowel syndrome. Is this common for CF patients?


New member
So I have had gurgling and cramping in my stomach after I eat for the past week. I thought i might need a larger dose of omperprazole and so changed my dose from 20 to 40 mg. It has helped however I am still having symtoms and through my research I think i may have irritable bowel syndrome. Is this common for CF patients?


New member
So I have had gurgling and cramping in my stomach after I eat for the past week. I thought i might need a larger dose of omperprazole and so changed my dose from 20 to 40 mg. It has helped however I am still having symtoms and through my research I think i may have irritable bowel syndrome. Is this common for CF patients?
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