If i dont take my enzymes with a meal high in fats and proteins and what not will I..


New member
Will I not digest the calories? Or will I only get calories from the foods I can digest, like veggies and fruit.

I'm watching what I eat while working out and I sometimes cheat and eat high calorie foods, so what I do is I don't take my enzymes, cause my reasoning is if I can't digest it I don't get any of the calories. Is this true? If not, how's it work?


Yes, your body cannot absorb the molecular components from food that is not digested properly... the end result would be that you absorb less calories from your food. How much less depends on how pancreatic insufficient you are which requires a stool analysis. However, there would be other annoying physiological effects as well... the term indigestion comes to mind. So if you are down for that....


Active member
Will I not digest the calories? Or will I only get calories from the foods I can digest, like veggies and fruit.

I'm watching what I eat while working out and I sometimes cheat and eat high calorie foods, so what I do is I don't take my enzymes, cause my reasoning is if I can't digest it I don't get any of the calories. Is this true? If not, how's it work?[/QUOTE

Assuming you are not PS, no you will not absorb 'calories', aka nutrients, not just from fatty foods but most of your foods. Unfortunately this can not be a weight loss trick, even once in a while, because those fatty deposits will cause problems in the long and possibly short term. There is a wide range of possiblities and I'd suggest talking with a good gastroenterologist or nutritionist your Cf doc suggests on ways to manage your diet and enzyme intake. The long term consequences range from pancreatic issues, gallbladder issues, liver issues, colon, bone issues from malnutrition, and so on. Not easy problems to fix. Shorter term-abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, intestinal blockage (about as fun to treat as it sounds, trust me). Unfortunately we have to stick to good old diet and exercise when it comes to weight management.
Best wishes.


I agree with mamascarlet, if you're on enzyme replacement it's because you have chronic indigestion due to pancreatic insufficiency, if you stop taking enzymes you will most likely get sick and hate your life.


New member
I agree with mamaScarlett as well. If you are not pancreatic sufficient, not taking enzymes is a bad idea. I know that if I forget (which is rare), or even estimate too few enzymes, I am writhing in pain because my stomach is cramping and feels like it's on fire soon after.

And in all likelihood, you are not absorbing everything you think you are. Likely, your vitamin A, D, E, and K levels are low. Your other vitamin levels might be low as well. You aren't absorbing protein, because your body can't break it down. You aren't absorbing carbs which, despite diets that say otherwise, the body needs. You aren't breaking down fats, which the body also needs as an energy source, and instead that fat can build up and cause even more problems.

If you are not pancreatic sufficient, you must take your enzymes. If you don't, you might not absorb those calories, but you are doing so much harm to your body.


Super Moderator
You also have an eating disorder if you are purging by not taking enzymes. I'd strongly suggest you speak with your therapist about an eating disorder.


Super Moderator

You need enzymes to digest food. Some food components are broken down by saliva and action of the stomach and the HCL it produces. Sugars and certain proteins and amino acids in food are absorbed without the need of pancreatic enzymes or Creon. Finally, the gut is full of probiotic bacteria that also extract nutrients we otherwise don't easily digest. Anything not digested properly becomes a problem, causing bloating and gas along with adhesive poop that literally tears the intestinal lining like a tongue pulled off a frozen pipe.

I fear that stopping or not taking enough enzymes will result in a more stopped up and bloated belly. In fact this is very likely. I've followed your posts for a long time and you embody the questions and issues I expect many young CFers share.

Body image is central to many issues you've explored. In fact many if not most CFers have bloated abdomens. This is potentially something you will just have to accept because it isn't just food and enzymes. Our dysfunctional digestive systems cause raw sores, infections, inflammation, constipation, gas, grease and food volume multiplies and this is when we're doing everything right.

Talk with your doctor about seeing a holistic physician for a coffee colonic. If you think some of your belly is that accumulated fecal material AND you don't have colitis or such, this will clean you out. As others have advised, cut out gluten and milk products. Maybe take Lactaid and Beano instead of trying to eliminate two of our primary foods. Unless you have celiac disease or you're in fact allergic to cows milk these enzyme supplements work well. If your bloating isn't helped, consider going gluten free. It seems most CFers lose the bloating when they go gluten free. Rather than changing two or three things at once, test each food or enzyme alone so you can gauge this one effect.

It was a good question about skipping enzymes but you're grasping at straws here. Weight loss due to a lack of enzymes still leaves undigested food to deal with and that spells trouble. For you or anybody wishing to lose or maintain body weight the correct method is the same, eat less or exercise more. I promise this is a far better solution.

It might be worth asking yourself for whom and why you're so body conscious, hope this helps,
