I'm doing some research, ito CF, will anybody help me?


New member
I'm doing a project on how CF treatment is changing and how then individuals affected by CF fell about various treatments. PLease could anybody willing answer just a few questions? It is much appreciated.

What type of treatment are you taking currently?
How is that treatment helping you cope with CF?
What are your views towards gene therapy?

Thanks that's great!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><font color=white style="background-color: 3E3E3E;">Text</font ft>


New member
I have lots of treatments I am taking. =-) Most of them are for the lungs; I'm assuming that's what you meant. =-)

For airway clearance I do <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://uuhsc.utah.edu/pated/handouts/detail.cfm?id=230">autogenic drainage</a>. I put a link for a page that goes into the instructions in detail. Oh, yeah, and I also have a flutter valve that I use sometimes as well.

For inhaled medications I take, TOBI, Pulmozyme, 3% sodium chloride solution (yes, it's just salt water, but it works =-), and Serevent.


Um, the treatments I use help me cope, I guess. They tend to take a long time, which really is a bother, especially when i have to go to work in the morning. Well, I only work one day a week, so I usually just skip that morning. =-) Anyway, When I have to take TOBI, Pulmozyme, and sodium chloride, it takes me about 1 1/2 hours, plus about a half hour for autogenic drainage. On months I don't have to take TOBI, its 1 hour for medication plus the half hour for autogenic drainage.

TOBI isn't the most pleasant medication. It tastes horrible, ruins my throat and voice, and to tell the truth it's starting to lose its effectiveness. Some people have even worse reactions to it.

I also have a problem with how much some of the treatments cost. Granted, i have health insurance that helps a lot, but the prices are still very high. For example, without insurance pulmozyme costs over $1200 a month. Although TOBI itself is more expensive, i only have to take it every other month, so it would come out to about $1500 for every two months. Luckily I have good insurance, so I pay a max of $50 per medication. That still kinda adds up, though.

So, I hate TOBI, I hate how long it takes to do my treatments, and I hate how much it costs. But, they do keep my lungs clear, and, for the most part, out of the hospital. So, I guess they're worth it. =-)


i um... don't have any views on gene therapy. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> I guess its not a topic I really bother myself with. i guess i used to kinda look into it every now and then, but it's always the same old story. There's always some breakthrough "right aroung the corner" Of course, they must be talking aboutthe corner that's quite a few blocks down, 'cause it takes them such a long time to get there. And when they do, the breakthrough isn't that much of a breakthrough. So, I stopped paying attention.

If you're asking about ethical issues, though, I'd have to say I don't really agree with man trying to play God. What I mean is, since I believe man was created by God, I'm not entirelly sure man, with all our imperfections and flaws, should be trying to tweak the recipie. =-)

Jarod 22 w/cf


New member
First let me start by saying THANK YOU for asking specific questions. We all very much appreciate that. Now here goes for me:
1. I take Pulmozyme by neb once a day every day. I'm also supposed to be doing the Acapella (a vibratory drainage device), but I'm still trying that out because it seems to make my cough dry, tiring, and useless. So instead I make myself cough, I'll sit and huff if I need to, whatever. I'm also on IV meds about twice a year (give or take). My oral meds consist of: Zithromax (an antibiotic, CFers take it on Mon, Wed, Fri to try and help stop the growth of pseudomonas), then I need AZO yeast and acidophilus (antibiotics cause yeast infections, and being on antibiotics all the time... you can imagine what fun that was before I found the OTC yeast helpers), Ultrase MT 18s, generally 4 with meals, Nexium (for acid reflux), Wellbutrin, Seroquel (for sleep), and ADEKs (the fat soluble vitamins, A, D, E, and K).
2. Well the mental treatment helps me cope in that I'm not a sloppy cryign mush mess like I was before. Haha. If I stop taking my meds, you can definitely notice a difference. If I skip one, Mike will ask if I've been taking them. He can tell. As for the other stuff, it helps but only so much. The IVs help try to stop the growth, but it really doesn't work all the time, or doesn't work as well as I'd like it to. I know I'd be a lot worse off if it wasn't for my meds, but at the same time... no matter how hard I fight, no matter how much effort I put into my meds, my therapies, etc, it'll never get me much of anywhere. I'm not trying to save my life. I'm trying to delay my death.
3. Gene therapy schmene therapy. Heh. Throughout my life I have heard of several different "cures." I ignore them all now. Until somethign is approved by the FDA and my pulmonologist is handing it to me on a silver platter, I ignore all that junk. Like Jarod said, they're always talking about how close it is, but they've been saying that since they discovered which gene caused it, which is when I was 5. "Right around the corner" my foot. Heh.
If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask!

-Sorry I'm not signed in... I'm at work
Emily 21 w/CF