I'm just going to overreact, mkay?


New member
My son Luke, bless his orange fuzzy head... he's just had a negative sweat test but it was 39, so it wasn't like it was 5 or 10...

Having all these other moms here who know how frustrating this is helps...

So here goes. Luke was born almost 4 weeks early but at 6lbs13oz and he was totally fine. He was at 50th% for weight at first, then at 4 months he was at 25th, then by 6 months he was at 10th% and then between 9months and 12 months he'd lost weight and finished off his first year at 16lbs10oz. Now at 15 months he's 19lbs4oz.

He was exclusively breastfed all along, but when we started foods he just attacked them! He's constantly eating, and when he gets hungry he's unbelievably grumpy.

He eat SO MUCH FOOD! I've worked in day care for years and I've never seen a child eat like he does. He does, as some of you have said, sit in the high chair, eat, stop to poop so that he can eat more. We tried adding oil to his food to fatten him up but it seemed to irritate his stomach, his poops were weird, and then he refused to eat the spiked food.

He was colicky for his first 5 months, and he didn't sleep through the night until about a month ago because that's when he started being able to eat enough to get him through. He eats 5-7 meals a day, nurses, and drinks pediasure.

My husband is 6' tall and 149lbs so very possibly it's just my son following in his daddy's footsteps. Luke's also very active. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot and then plays hard. So he may just be burning off the calories.

BUT I'm going to push for the genetic testing. Someone on here posted the name for the exact test to ask for, the Ambry one, so I'm going to do that, just to put my mind at ease. If it comes back that he has it, then okay.

And I know that there's a fantastic community here that I can turn to.
Okay, thanks for letting me vent!

<b>EDIT:</b> Luke's next sweat test at John's Hopkins is April 22nd!


New member
My son Luke, bless his orange fuzzy head... he's just had a negative sweat test but it was 39, so it wasn't like it was 5 or 10...

Having all these other moms here who know how frustrating this is helps...

So here goes. Luke was born almost 4 weeks early but at 6lbs13oz and he was totally fine. He was at 50th% for weight at first, then at 4 months he was at 25th, then by 6 months he was at 10th% and then between 9months and 12 months he'd lost weight and finished off his first year at 16lbs10oz. Now at 15 months he's 19lbs4oz.

He was exclusively breastfed all along, but when we started foods he just attacked them! He's constantly eating, and when he gets hungry he's unbelievably grumpy.

He eat SO MUCH FOOD! I've worked in day care for years and I've never seen a child eat like he does. He does, as some of you have said, sit in the high chair, eat, stop to poop so that he can eat more. We tried adding oil to his food to fatten him up but it seemed to irritate his stomach, his poops were weird, and then he refused to eat the spiked food.

He was colicky for his first 5 months, and he didn't sleep through the night until about a month ago because that's when he started being able to eat enough to get him through. He eats 5-7 meals a day, nurses, and drinks pediasure.

My husband is 6' tall and 149lbs so very possibly it's just my son following in his daddy's footsteps. Luke's also very active. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot and then plays hard. So he may just be burning off the calories.

BUT I'm going to push for the genetic testing. Someone on here posted the name for the exact test to ask for, the Ambry one, so I'm going to do that, just to put my mind at ease. If it comes back that he has it, then okay.

And I know that there's a fantastic community here that I can turn to.
Okay, thanks for letting me vent!

<b>EDIT:</b> Luke's next sweat test at John's Hopkins is April 22nd!


New member
My son Luke, bless his orange fuzzy head... he's just had a negative sweat test but it was 39, so it wasn't like it was 5 or 10...

Having all these other moms here who know how frustrating this is helps...

So here goes. Luke was born almost 4 weeks early but at 6lbs13oz and he was totally fine. He was at 50th% for weight at first, then at 4 months he was at 25th, then by 6 months he was at 10th% and then between 9months and 12 months he'd lost weight and finished off his first year at 16lbs10oz. Now at 15 months he's 19lbs4oz.

He was exclusively breastfed all along, but when we started foods he just attacked them! He's constantly eating, and when he gets hungry he's unbelievably grumpy.

He eat SO MUCH FOOD! I've worked in day care for years and I've never seen a child eat like he does. He does, as some of you have said, sit in the high chair, eat, stop to poop so that he can eat more. We tried adding oil to his food to fatten him up but it seemed to irritate his stomach, his poops were weird, and then he refused to eat the spiked food.

He was colicky for his first 5 months, and he didn't sleep through the night until about a month ago because that's when he started being able to eat enough to get him through. He eats 5-7 meals a day, nurses, and drinks pediasure.

My husband is 6' tall and 149lbs so very possibly it's just my son following in his daddy's footsteps. Luke's also very active. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot and then plays hard. So he may just be burning off the calories.

BUT I'm going to push for the genetic testing. Someone on here posted the name for the exact test to ask for, the Ambry one, so I'm going to do that, just to put my mind at ease. If it comes back that he has it, then okay.

And I know that there's a fantastic community here that I can turn to.
Okay, thanks for letting me vent!

<b>EDIT:</b> Luke's next sweat test at John's Hopkins is April 22nd!


New member
My son Luke, bless his orange fuzzy head... he's just had a negative sweat test but it was 39, so it wasn't like it was 5 or 10...

Having all these other moms here who know how frustrating this is helps...

So here goes. Luke was born almost 4 weeks early but at 6lbs13oz and he was totally fine. He was at 50th% for weight at first, then at 4 months he was at 25th, then by 6 months he was at 10th% and then between 9months and 12 months he'd lost weight and finished off his first year at 16lbs10oz. Now at 15 months he's 19lbs4oz.

He was exclusively breastfed all along, but when we started foods he just attacked them! He's constantly eating, and when he gets hungry he's unbelievably grumpy.

He eat SO MUCH FOOD! I've worked in day care for years and I've never seen a child eat like he does. He does, as some of you have said, sit in the high chair, eat, stop to poop so that he can eat more. We tried adding oil to his food to fatten him up but it seemed to irritate his stomach, his poops were weird, and then he refused to eat the spiked food.

He was colicky for his first 5 months, and he didn't sleep through the night until about a month ago because that's when he started being able to eat enough to get him through. He eats 5-7 meals a day, nurses, and drinks pediasure.

My husband is 6' tall and 149lbs so very possibly it's just my son following in his daddy's footsteps. Luke's also very active. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot and then plays hard. So he may just be burning off the calories.

BUT I'm going to push for the genetic testing. Someone on here posted the name for the exact test to ask for, the Ambry one, so I'm going to do that, just to put my mind at ease. If it comes back that he has it, then okay.

And I know that there's a fantastic community here that I can turn to.
Okay, thanks for letting me vent!

<b>EDIT:</b> Luke's next sweat test at John's Hopkins is April 22nd!


New member
My son Luke, bless his orange fuzzy head... he's just had a negative sweat test but it was 39, so it wasn't like it was 5 or 10...
<br />
<br />Having all these other moms here who know how frustrating this is helps...
<br />
<br />So here goes. Luke was born almost 4 weeks early but at 6lbs13oz and he was totally fine. He was at 50th% for weight at first, then at 4 months he was at 25th, then by 6 months he was at 10th% and then between 9months and 12 months he'd lost weight and finished off his first year at 16lbs10oz. Now at 15 months he's 19lbs4oz.
<br />
<br />He was exclusively breastfed all along, but when we started foods he just attacked them! He's constantly eating, and when he gets hungry he's unbelievably grumpy.
<br />
<br />He eat SO MUCH FOOD! I've worked in day care for years and I've never seen a child eat like he does. He does, as some of you have said, sit in the high chair, eat, stop to poop so that he can eat more. We tried adding oil to his food to fatten him up but it seemed to irritate his stomach, his poops were weird, and then he refused to eat the spiked food.
<br />
<br />He was colicky for his first 5 months, and he didn't sleep through the night until about a month ago because that's when he started being able to eat enough to get him through. He eats 5-7 meals a day, nurses, and drinks pediasure.
<br />
<br />My husband is 6' tall and 149lbs so very possibly it's just my son following in his daddy's footsteps. Luke's also very active. He sleeps a lot, eats a lot and then plays hard. So he may just be burning off the calories.
<br />
<br />BUT I'm going to push for the genetic testing. Someone on here posted the name for the exact test to ask for, the Ambry one, so I'm going to do that, just to put my mind at ease. If it comes back that he has it, then okay.
<br />
<br />And I know that there's a fantastic community here that I can turn to.
<br />Okay, thanks for letting me vent!
<br />Sarah
<br />
<br />
<br /><b>EDIT:</b> Luke's next sweat test at John's Hopkins is April 22nd!


Yes, good idea to do genetic testing just to be sure. Hopefully it will turn out negative.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 2 month no cf


Yes, good idea to do genetic testing just to be sure. Hopefully it will turn out negative.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 2 month no cf


Yes, good idea to do genetic testing just to be sure. Hopefully it will turn out negative.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 2 month no cf


Yes, good idea to do genetic testing just to be sure. Hopefully it will turn out negative.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 2 month no cf


Yes, good idea to do genetic testing just to be sure. Hopefully it will turn out negative.
<br />Sharon, mom of Sophia, 7 and Jack, 5 both with cf, Grant, 2 month no cf


New member
I do know that my son was screened at birth and nothing came up. Do you know what that means exactly? What is that screening checking?


New member
I do know that my son was screened at birth and nothing came up. Do you know what that means exactly? What is that screening checking?


New member
I do know that my son was screened at birth and nothing came up. Do you know what that means exactly? What is that screening checking?


New member
I do know that my son was screened at birth and nothing came up. Do you know what that means exactly? What is that screening checking?


New member
I do know that my son was screened at birth and nothing came up. Do you know what that means exactly? What is that screening checking?