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I have a friend that has CF, and its hard when i get in a fight with her, cause i want to be her friend and all. I go to her house and see her use a vest and take so much medicine. I feel so bad for her. Like in the middle of the night she'll start to cough and its really scary. She gets cramps in her foot and cries alot.

[ Kayla R. ]
[ Do not have CF ]
[ Friend to someone who does ]
[ 13 years old ]


New member
heyy...dont be afraid...shes just much does she 14...103lbs...and im 5 foot...i wake up during the night but its just cause of the not sure about the foot cramps...i dont have that...but she'll be friends thinks its cool...with the vest and all....have you ever tried the vest my friends love it...well good luck with your friend and if you need 2 talk just email me at

love yall lots
brittany/14/103lbs/5 foot
kisses n hugs


New member
What kind of vest are you talking about, never heard of it? But it may be because Im from sweden, the treatment is of course different /Johanna 19yrs, sweden


New member
i have i do it i do not like it at all because it shakes u and i have to sit there for 30 min
my mom fights with me 2 do it but i do not like to i do good on my breathing treatments but not my vest

but hey dont worry it doses not hurt i show my friends and them i let them do so next time
u are at there house and they have the vest on ask them if i could try it they will probly let u and if
not just say hey doese that hurt
if u have an ? here is my im :CFgurl92
thanks,holly<img src="i/expressions/angel.gif" border="0">


New member
hi, I have the footcramps but never actually knew that that was from the CF but now i guess i do. Dont worry hun, your friend will be okay, we CF patients are strong. Ill be praying for you and your friend.


New member
It okay. I have cystic fibrosis. It might be new but coughing is good. I t might seem like alot but it goods for as. W need to get are mucus out of are lungs. The tummy pain maybe because one of her medicines are not working righ. Or need a upgrad on her emzines. What she need is someone to know that some one is there. It can't replace someone who dose have but it nice for someone to understand