I'm new


New member
I'm new here just wanted to say hello. I'll be 21 in a week I was diagnosed at 4mon. i'm not as healthy as i would like to be or probably should be. the docs are trying to get me into support groups and since we can not meet in person for obvious reasons i thought this was the next best thing!!! so hello to all!


New member
I'm new here just wanted to say hello. I'll be 21 in a week I was diagnosed at 4mon. i'm not as healthy as i would like to be or probably should be. the docs are trying to get me into support groups and since we can not meet in person for obvious reasons i thought this was the next best thing!!! so hello to all!


New member
I'm new here just wanted to say hello. I'll be 21 in a week I was diagnosed at 4mon. i'm not as healthy as i would like to be or probably should be. the docs are trying to get me into support groups and since we can not meet in person for obvious reasons i thought this was the next best thing!!! so hello to all!


New member
Hi Jessica, Welcome, this is a great place to be. It's so good to know there are people that feel exactly like you.... You can get tons of information and vent when you need to ( i think we all need to from time to time.) I'm fairly new here too, so can't be of much help on how to get started, but there are alot of people here that can. Maybe post this on the adult topic. God Bless and welcome again....Joni 54 y/o f w c/f


New member
Hi Jessica, Welcome, this is a great place to be. It's so good to know there are people that feel exactly like you.... You can get tons of information and vent when you need to ( i think we all need to from time to time.) I'm fairly new here too, so can't be of much help on how to get started, but there are alot of people here that can. Maybe post this on the adult topic. God Bless and welcome again....Joni 54 y/o f w c/f


New member
Hi Jessica, Welcome, this is a great place to be. It's so good to know there are people that feel exactly like you.... You can get tons of information and vent when you need to ( i think we all need to from time to time.) I'm fairly new here too, so can't be of much help on how to get started, but there are alot of people here that can. Maybe post this on the adult topic. God Bless and welcome again....Joni 54 y/o f w c/f