i'm really lost,


New member
So i really dont know what to do or where to start. I moved from my pervious address, where 14 people smoked, and i live where no one smokes now. My body went through withdrawls from the smoke and i've been sick ever since, its been three months. i called childrens hospital to talk to the clinic, they advised me to go to the local er to have a check. The dr said theres no pneumonia, no sign of sickness, that my blood work looks great. but i still cannot breath, and i am coughing so violently that i am pulling muscles in my ribs and back, and i'm giving myself migrane headaches. I am really extremely short of breath and i can barely talk bc of it. Also i can't walk that long without getting out of breath too. I don't know what to do, weither to go to childrens and check for a tune up. or what. I start my job monday, i fnally got a job but when i get one i get worse. I don't want to loose my job, its only thing i have to get my son back. I really need help


New member
So i really dont know what to do or where to start. I moved from my pervious address, where 14 people smoked, and i live where no one smokes now. My body went through withdrawls from the smoke and i've been sick ever since, its been three months. i called childrens hospital to talk to the clinic, they advised me to go to the local er to have a check. The dr said theres no pneumonia, no sign of sickness, that my blood work looks great. but i still cannot breath, and i am coughing so violently that i am pulling muscles in my ribs and back, and i'm giving myself migrane headaches. I am really extremely short of breath and i can barely talk bc of it. Also i can't walk that long without getting out of breath too. I don't know what to do, weither to go to childrens and check for a tune up. or what. I start my job monday, i fnally got a job but when i get one i get worse. I don't want to loose my job, its only thing i have to get my son back. I really need help


New member
So i really dont know what to do or where to start. I moved from my pervious address, where 14 people smoked, and i live where no one smokes now. My body went through withdrawls from the smoke and i've been sick ever since, its been three months. i called childrens hospital to talk to the clinic, they advised me to go to the local er to have a check. The dr said theres no pneumonia, no sign of sickness, that my blood work looks great. but i still cannot breath, and i am coughing so violently that i am pulling muscles in my ribs and back, and i'm giving myself migrane headaches. I am really extremely short of breath and i can barely talk bc of it. Also i can't walk that long without getting out of breath too. I don't know what to do, weither to go to childrens and check for a tune up. or what. I start my job monday, i fnally got a job but when i get one i get worse. I don't want to loose my job, its only thing i have to get my son back. I really need help


New member
Sorry for your troubles. A couple things come to mind. Perhaps you are allergic to something in your new place? And just a question--can you get to you CF clinic? It sounds like you need to get there!

Good luck.


New member
Sorry for your troubles. A couple things come to mind. Perhaps you are allergic to something in your new place? And just a question--can you get to you CF clinic? It sounds like you need to get there!

Good luck.


New member
Sorry for your troubles. A couple things come to mind. Perhaps you are allergic to something in your new place? And just a question--can you get to you CF clinic? It sounds like you need to get there!
<br />
<br />Good luck.


New member
First, I'd like to say Congratulations on getting out of that smokey environment and moving into a healthier place!

I think you need to get to your clinic as soon as you can. If this coughing and shortness of breath has only gotten worse over the last couple of months, you really need to be evaluated by your CF doc. I think your clinic sent you to the ER because they thought you needed immediate care.

However, our experience with ER's is that they are not any help when it comes to CF. They tend to see a set of CF x-rays and can freak out over what they see. Obviousely, this was not the case with you. I think that since they did not find anything and didn't think you needed urgent care, they sent you on your way. Now you follow up with your CF clinic. Yes, your new job is important, as is your son, but you will not be any good to either if you delay being seen and end up sicker.

I really hope you feel better soon. I know all to well the coughing you are describing and it can make your whole body feel even worse... as if that were even possible, I know.


New member
First, I'd like to say Congratulations on getting out of that smokey environment and moving into a healthier place!

I think you need to get to your clinic as soon as you can. If this coughing and shortness of breath has only gotten worse over the last couple of months, you really need to be evaluated by your CF doc. I think your clinic sent you to the ER because they thought you needed immediate care.

However, our experience with ER's is that they are not any help when it comes to CF. They tend to see a set of CF x-rays and can freak out over what they see. Obviousely, this was not the case with you. I think that since they did not find anything and didn't think you needed urgent care, they sent you on your way. Now you follow up with your CF clinic. Yes, your new job is important, as is your son, but you will not be any good to either if you delay being seen and end up sicker.

I really hope you feel better soon. I know all to well the coughing you are describing and it can make your whole body feel even worse... as if that were even possible, I know.


New member
First, I'd like to say Congratulations on getting out of that smokey environment and moving into a healthier place!
<br />
<br />I think you need to get to your clinic as soon as you can. If this coughing and shortness of breath has only gotten worse over the last couple of months, you really need to be evaluated by your CF doc. I think your clinic sent you to the ER because they thought you needed immediate care.
<br />
<br />However, our experience with ER's is that they are not any help when it comes to CF. They tend to see a set of CF x-rays and can freak out over what they see. Obviousely, this was not the case with you. I think that since they did not find anything and didn't think you needed urgent care, they sent you on your way. Now you follow up with your CF clinic. Yes, your new job is important, as is your son, but you will not be any good to either if you delay being seen and end up sicker.
<br />
<br />I really hope you feel better soon. I know all to well the coughing you are describing and it can make your whole body feel even worse... as if that were even possible, I know.


Active member
Sorry you're going through this Vampy. You really need to get to the Cf center asap and be admitted. It really doesn't matter what the ER said-they know nothing about Cf. Cf symptoms are totally separate from the things they look for at the ER. If you are so short of breath its limiting your talking and walking-thats serious. Not trying to worry you, but to motivate you to take this very seriously and care for yourself. These aren't symptoms that are going to go away by themselves.
Caring for your health=caring for your son.
Do not worry about your job. Your job will be there, and you can not get fired for being admitted to the hospital. A few days in the hospital, in a good environment where you are cared for, where you can even talk to the social worker about your living situation, your son and get help that you need all around would do wonders for you.
Good job for standing up and trying to improve you and your sons life-now take the next step for your health.
Wish you the best!


Active member
Sorry you're going through this Vampy. You really need to get to the Cf center asap and be admitted. It really doesn't matter what the ER said-they know nothing about Cf. Cf symptoms are totally separate from the things they look for at the ER. If you are so short of breath its limiting your talking and walking-thats serious. Not trying to worry you, but to motivate you to take this very seriously and care for yourself. These aren't symptoms that are going to go away by themselves.
Caring for your health=caring for your son.
Do not worry about your job. Your job will be there, and you can not get fired for being admitted to the hospital. A few days in the hospital, in a good environment where you are cared for, where you can even talk to the social worker about your living situation, your son and get help that you need all around would do wonders for you.
Good job for standing up and trying to improve you and your sons life-now take the next step for your health.
Wish you the best!


Active member
Sorry you're going through this Vampy. You really need to get to the Cf center asap and be admitted. It really doesn't matter what the ER said-they know nothing about Cf. Cf symptoms are totally separate from the things they look for at the ER. If you are so short of breath its limiting your talking and walking-thats serious. Not trying to worry you, but to motivate you to take this very seriously and care for yourself. These aren't symptoms that are going to go away by themselves.
<br />Caring for your health=caring for your son.
<br />Do not worry about your job. Your job will be there, and you can not get fired for being admitted to the hospital. A few days in the hospital, in a good environment where you are cared for, where you can even talk to the social worker about your living situation, your son and get help that you need all around would do wonders for you.
<br />Good job for standing up and trying to improve you and your sons life-now take the next step for your health.
<br />Wish you the best!