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Ellie has been coughing for a couple of weeks, we went to the doc 2 weeks ago and they said she sounded great. went for a follow up on tues. and they did a deep culture and told me to call back on Fri. I called and it hadn't grown much but it looked like it was growing pseudos. they want it to grow out a bit more and we are supposed to call back Mon. for sensitivities, etc. I'm so upset, my head knows it's not my fault, they're everywhere, especially in humid ol Texas, but my heart's not listening. I'm back in that bad place again, blaming myself for everything(again my head knowing it's not my fault, but I can't help it.) She's only 8 months old and I know this is considered somewhat early, but I also know it is manageable. She's just had such a rough go so far and we were hoping to catch a break this summer. I'm hoping we won't have to go to the hospital for IVS (especially because we took her broviac line out and she's such a hard stick) but our doc is pretty aggressive, at the same time, I hope we do. All this right before I go back to work. Now I'm wondering if that's the right decision again (yet I know it is financialy) I've cried and cried and now I just need to vent a little. She's so happy, her last breathing circles were normal, and she's doing everything a baby is supposed to be doing at her age (crawling, pulling up, etc.) just with that wet cough. I just have such a heavy heart. Thanks for listening, I just needed to get it out. We'll see what Monday brings.