i'm staying


New member
well yesterday i was told that i might not be able to go home for good at x-mas. And i might be able to visit jus for x-mas eve for only 2 hours. It really suxs! i might be able to go home for good durin the break or i might be able to in January! So i'm jus hopein to go home. I've been in foster care for over 3 mnths. And i miss home alot! But my friends are happy bout it. So yep!


New member
if u don't mind me asking, what's your situation? where are your "real" parents? , how far away are they from u?


New member
3 mnths ago i was sent up here to Cross, South Carolina cuz my parents abused me and kicked me out (neglected me). My parents are are in Goose Creek. And i'm supposed to be going home during the X-mas break or sumtime in january. I'm an hour and a half away from my parents.


New member
I am so sorry to hear that!! How old are you? I am 29 years old with a 23 year old bro w/ cf. I can relate to you because when I was 15 years old, my mother kicked me out of the house and thought that a christian boarding school would be a great idea. Now mind you, i live in california, and this place was in kansas, oklahoma!! talk about a culture, and weather shock. Well, that only lasted a year or so before i got kicked out because they were sooooo strict and I had a really bad mouth so even saying damn was a BIG no no, and they finally didn't wan't me anymore.... Darn i was so sad to leave, NOT!!! WELL, AT FIRST MY DERANGED MOTHER refused to let me come back, but the houseparents convinced her it would be in my best interest.so i returned to cali, but not for long.... My crazy mother drove me to a mental hospital hospital after she didn't want to deal with me. after two weeks of that ridiculous crap, the doctor called her to tell her that my insurance ran out and nothing was wrong with me except for depression. SHE TOLD THE DOC........ DEAL WITH HER, I DON'T WANT HER ANYMORE........WHAT!!! TALK ABOUT DEVISTATION!!!!!! SO, i was put into a group home and met this cool lady who eventually took me in and she became my foster mom... she lives 8 minutes away from me right now and we are always together.... NOW, YOU guys are probably reading this and thinking dang girl you seem really jacked up, but i am not ! the older i got, i realized that it was my mother that didn't want to deal with me, she clearly did not know how to cope with anything, and and she clearly chose my sick brother and her second and third husbands over me!!! what a SHAME. she has since apologized to me, and she has admitted that she wasn't meant to be a mother... Well, that's fine and dandy, but a sorry can, and WILL not heal this sad heart, so i ignore her, and she really doesn't keep in contact that much anyways , but i am no doctor by all means, but i clearly think she has mental issues, maby bipolar, i am not sure, and she is definately neurotic, and always has been as long as i can remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY, I DIGRESSED, BUT ONCE I STARTED TO WRITE, I WANTED TO KEEP GOING... KEEP UR HEAD UP, AND BELIEVE ME THERE ARE DAYS WHEN YOU THINK LIFE CAN NOT GET MUCH WORSE, but it always gets better. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">