I'm still fuming! 17 hrs later.


New member
I am still soooooo mad. Too many, should have thoughts running through my head. Here's what happened...

Anna and I took off for California this past Monday for her transplant evaluation. We had a connecting flight in Houston and discovered that the walk from on terminal to the other was too much for her. We almost missed our connection. So, in preperation for our return I requested a wheel chair or cart ride from our arriving terminal to our connecting terminal when we checked in at the airport to come home. No problems, they put it in and asked us to have the flight attendent call it in to make double sure it was there when we arrived. I did. She did. When we got off the plane there were two carts waiting. I went up to one of the men and told him our names and that we had requested a cart at our departing airport. He told me NO, it was only for wheel chairs. Ever see red? It really does seem to happen because I swear I did. I tried to explain that we had requested a cart. "NO, it is only for people with wheel chairs". I turned at went to the Contintental attendent at the gate where we arrived. Yes, I've said it, we were flying Continental. I'll add, this was Houston, Texas, Bush International Airport. I have to add though that the attendent at the counter was very nice. I explained to her that we had requested a cart in San Jose to take us to our connecting gate. She double checked to make sure which gate we needed to go to. We arrived at C38 the very end of the corridor, our connection was at C45. A different corridor (concourse), halfway to three quarters of the way down. The lady at the arriving gate said that they are not supposed to tell me no and went to talk to him. He argued with her that I was not listening to him that the cart was only for people with wheel chairs. She told him that my daughter was disabled and we had reserved a cart and instructed us to get on the cart. Which by the way had a woman with an infant, and some elderly people. I'll be damned if he didn't just take us to the end of the concourse and point the way to our gate. I was soooo pissed. I asked him his name that I was reporting him to a manager. He accused me of abusing him and said he would call security if I continued. Not wanting to embarass my daughter any more than I'm sure I already was I didn't continue. We walked the rest of the way and I reported the incident to the supervisor on duty at our connecting gate and called in a formal complaint this morning. In hind site, I should have told him to call security. Instead I was calm and compliant. UGH!

I just needed to get this off my chest. First thing Anna said was, "wait till the people on the CF boards hear this!" So here I am. Anyone got any ideas on what else I should do? If our layover had only been a little longer I would have walked around in search of that guy. As I sit fuming.

Just needed to vent.

(Mom of 2 teens w/CF)


New member
I am still soooooo mad. Too many, should have thoughts running through my head. Here's what happened...

Anna and I took off for California this past Monday for her transplant evaluation. We had a connecting flight in Houston and discovered that the walk from on terminal to the other was too much for her. We almost missed our connection. So, in preperation for our return I requested a wheel chair or cart ride from our arriving terminal to our connecting terminal when we checked in at the airport to come home. No problems, they put it in and asked us to have the flight attendent call it in to make double sure it was there when we arrived. I did. She did. When we got off the plane there were two carts waiting. I went up to one of the men and told him our names and that we had requested a cart at our departing airport. He told me NO, it was only for wheel chairs. Ever see red? It really does seem to happen because I swear I did. I tried to explain that we had requested a cart. "NO, it is only for people with wheel chairs". I turned at went to the Contintental attendent at the gate where we arrived. Yes, I've said it, we were flying Continental. I'll add, this was Houston, Texas, Bush International Airport. I have to add though that the attendent at the counter was very nice. I explained to her that we had requested a cart in San Jose to take us to our connecting gate. She double checked to make sure which gate we needed to go to. We arrived at C38 the very end of the corridor, our connection was at C45. A different corridor (concourse), halfway to three quarters of the way down. The lady at the arriving gate said that they are not supposed to tell me no and went to talk to him. He argued with her that I was not listening to him that the cart was only for people with wheel chairs. She told him that my daughter was disabled and we had reserved a cart and instructed us to get on the cart. Which by the way had a woman with an infant, and some elderly people. I'll be damned if he didn't just take us to the end of the concourse and point the way to our gate. I was soooo pissed. I asked him his name that I was reporting him to a manager. He accused me of abusing him and said he would call security if I continued. Not wanting to embarass my daughter any more than I'm sure I already was I didn't continue. We walked the rest of the way and I reported the incident to the supervisor on duty at our connecting gate and called in a formal complaint this morning. In hind site, I should have told him to call security. Instead I was calm and compliant. UGH!

I just needed to get this off my chest. First thing Anna said was, "wait till the people on the CF boards hear this!" So here I am. Anyone got any ideas on what else I should do? If our layover had only been a little longer I would have walked around in search of that guy. As I sit fuming.

Just needed to vent.

(Mom of 2 teens w/CF)


New member
I am still soooooo mad. Too many, should have thoughts running through my head. Here's what happened...

Anna and I took off for California this past Monday for her transplant evaluation. We had a connecting flight in Houston and discovered that the walk from on terminal to the other was too much for her. We almost missed our connection. So, in preperation for our return I requested a wheel chair or cart ride from our arriving terminal to our connecting terminal when we checked in at the airport to come home. No problems, they put it in and asked us to have the flight attendent call it in to make double sure it was there when we arrived. I did. She did. When we got off the plane there were two carts waiting. I went up to one of the men and told him our names and that we had requested a cart at our departing airport. He told me NO, it was only for wheel chairs. Ever see red? It really does seem to happen because I swear I did. I tried to explain that we had requested a cart. "NO, it is only for people with wheel chairs". I turned at went to the Contintental attendent at the gate where we arrived. Yes, I've said it, we were flying Continental. I'll add, this was Houston, Texas, Bush International Airport. I have to add though that the attendent at the counter was very nice. I explained to her that we had requested a cart in San Jose to take us to our connecting gate. She double checked to make sure which gate we needed to go to. We arrived at C38 the very end of the corridor, our connection was at C45. A different corridor (concourse), halfway to three quarters of the way down. The lady at the arriving gate said that they are not supposed to tell me no and went to talk to him. He argued with her that I was not listening to him that the cart was only for people with wheel chairs. She told him that my daughter was disabled and we had reserved a cart and instructed us to get on the cart. Which by the way had a woman with an infant, and some elderly people. I'll be damned if he didn't just take us to the end of the concourse and point the way to our gate. I was soooo pissed. I asked him his name that I was reporting him to a manager. He accused me of abusing him and said he would call security if I continued. Not wanting to embarass my daughter any more than I'm sure I already was I didn't continue. We walked the rest of the way and I reported the incident to the supervisor on duty at our connecting gate and called in a formal complaint this morning. In hind site, I should have told him to call security. Instead I was calm and compliant. UGH!

I just needed to get this off my chest. First thing Anna said was, "wait till the people on the CF boards hear this!" So here I am. Anyone got any ideas on what else I should do? If our layover had only been a little longer I would have walked around in search of that guy. As I sit fuming.

Just needed to vent.

(Mom of 2 teens w/CF)


New member
Heh... you want to know what you should've done? Thing is, what I would tell you to do would get you arrested in most airports. I'd have gotten violent real fast. Stupid ignorant f*cker. People piss me off. IT'S ONLY FOR WHEELCHAIRS.... and babies and old people. But not anyone dying! NOPE, NO SICKIES ON MY CART! I hope he gets shanked by someone next time he uses such an ignorant moron "should be dead because he's not worth the space he takes up" attitude.


New member
Heh... you want to know what you should've done? Thing is, what I would tell you to do would get you arrested in most airports. I'd have gotten violent real fast. Stupid ignorant f*cker. People piss me off. IT'S ONLY FOR WHEELCHAIRS.... and babies and old people. But not anyone dying! NOPE, NO SICKIES ON MY CART! I hope he gets shanked by someone next time he uses such an ignorant moron "should be dead because he's not worth the space he takes up" attitude.


New member
Heh... you want to know what you should've done? Thing is, what I would tell you to do would get you arrested in most airports. I'd have gotten violent real fast. Stupid ignorant f*cker. People piss me off. IT'S ONLY FOR WHEELCHAIRS.... and babies and old people. But not anyone dying! NOPE, NO SICKIES ON MY CART! I hope he gets shanked by someone next time he uses such an ignorant moron "should be dead because he's not worth the space he takes up" attitude.


New member
I am sure I would have gottening locked up

after I knocked the hell out of him..

Plus the Airport Broke the Law
They DID NOT comply to ADA Laws.....


New member
I am sure I would have gottening locked up

after I knocked the hell out of him..

Plus the Airport Broke the Law
They DID NOT comply to ADA Laws.....


New member
I am sure I would have gottening locked up

after I knocked the hell out of him..

Plus the Airport Broke the Law
They DID NOT comply to ADA Laws.....


New member
Hi Laura, I posted about the eval. on the transplant section. It's the about Good? or Bad? In short, they said she wasn't sick enough. We'll go back March 1st for follow-up. They did say that they don't just say "we don't think you're ready, see ya later", that they do follow up every three months and like to keep posted with how things are going back home. I told them I'd be sure to have her docs fax them every time she gets sick, hospitalized, and put on IV antibiotics including pft's.


New member
Hi Laura, I posted about the eval. on the transplant section. It's the about Good? or Bad? In short, they said she wasn't sick enough. We'll go back March 1st for follow-up. They did say that they don't just say "we don't think you're ready, see ya later", that they do follow up every three months and like to keep posted with how things are going back home. I told them I'd be sure to have her docs fax them every time she gets sick, hospitalized, and put on IV antibiotics including pft's.