I'm tired of getting sick and I'm scared


New member
Ok heres my story back in mid january of this year I met this girl in the hospital. To make a long story short. We kept in touch after leaving the hospital and soon after that we became boyfriend and girlfriend. That was around 3 months and half ago I must say it was kind of a challenge to keep in touch since we live about 40 minutes to an hour away depending on traffic. But anyway on monday I realized I have a small lung infection going (bad smell when coughing,excessive coughing.etc) so I've started doubling my treatments to try to get rid of this. On Monday I talked with my girlfriend and she noticed me coughing and I told her that I was ok.

But anyway she said she would call me the next day. Well she ended up not calling and I had been having a terrible time with my lungs these past 2 days or so. I woke up this morning coughing and I started thinking about things. Like my girlfriend and my disease and the fact that I'm always sick. The doctors don't know why she was getting sick when she had to go in the hospital. But they just gave her steriods and she is getting better. She is getting off of them soon and when I think about that I just get really sad because she will stop having to take medicine but I goto keep taking medicine.

I take so much medicine yet she only has to take steriods and some other pill and she is getting off of it soon. But I'm kinda jealous of her and yet scared because I don't wanna get in the hospital again and I'm sick of this medicine. It seems I'm never getting better she's 16 and I'm 17. I never really sat down and explained everything about CF and whats wrong with me exactly but she knows that I do have problems healthwise. I'm so tired of this I'm also scared of ending up marrying her later on in life if we are still together and she see's me on all this medicine and all of it cost all this money. I love her but I don't know how she would deal with having me going in the hospital all the time and all this crap.

I've been in the hospital 3 times in a years span time because of these lung infections. But I would have never met her if I didn't get sick back in Jan. I really wanted to talk to her since I not been feeling good these past 2 days. But like I said she didn't call and that made me sad I know I would probally feel better getting to talk to her when feeling like this. I just don't know if she wants to be with some sick person for the rest of her life.



New member
that is so shelfish. who says crap like that about there girlfriend, u want her to suffer because u do. she is gettin off her crap be happy for her dont be a jack***. i aint here stuff like that in a while dont even deserve 2 know her.


New member
Check out "Implications for Cystic Fibrosis" on the website www.glycoscience.org.
I have helped many kids regain their health by getting them on these critical nutrients, not discovered until 1996 and still virtually unkown to many. We have assembled an audio visual presentation on CF at the following website: www.glycoshow.com.
Check out my personal site: www.mannapages.com/selfcare to obtain the supplements we speak of.
You can be well.


John Greenfield


New member
yeah I know I should be happy for her but seeing her getting to live a medicine free and healthy life makes me very jealous. I guess when I see her sick I don't feel bad for myself so I guess that's not good. I honestly don't know what she thinks about seeing me going in the hospital so much I mean I might have to go in again because of this lung infection. I don't know what to tell her or how she will react to know that I'm sick again. Gonna talk to her tonight and just tell her I'm sick again :-(


New member
OMFG... I'm dating a healthy girl right now. And it's wonderful because I dont have to worry about her and I can be happy for her because she has her health. You shouldnt be so self centered. Yeah we all have our "downer" days but you know, it could be so much worse. I think the stars she's still with me, I have CF, diabetes, heart and kidney disease, asthma osteoprosis... so you know I dont know why she's with me but I know why I'm with her. Get over it and show her the love and affection she diservs. I've dated a CFer befor and I will tell you its much easier on you to date a healthy person.


New member
I think that most of these post were rude to the original poster. Feeling jealous is natural. I don't know exactly what you are going through because I haven't had to be hospitialized yet, but I do know that when I start to get sick, I also get scared, and when you are scared you do irrational things. Such as being jealous of those around you. I've been jealous of the people that I love because they have it so much easier than I do. So I know exactly how you feel. But you need to remember, your girlfriend may also feel scared for you.


New member
Like your pink roses! Where did you get them from?

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif" border="0">


New member
it came from some glitter graphic web-site. it is one of the following. not sure which one though: glittergraphics.com glittergraphics.net glittergraphics.us or glittergraphics.org or something along those lines.