Important for all w/ cf and parents or relitives w/ it


New member
Hello, my name is Tamara 16 w/cf and i have something important for all with cf...if you go to Dr. Roberts in UCLA, PLEASE leave him....i don't mean to be so cruel but he made me and my mothers friends neice very sick...he said she has 2 years to live! I unfortunately cannot say that about myself i got a new doctor Dr. allison and Dr. Leibethat in panorama city, for Kaiser and when i saw him for the first time he said i was in critical conditon and thought i would get very sick maybe to the death, very SCARY. i was hospitalized and left 2 weeks later in mild to moderate condition was 74 pounds when got there today about 7 weeks later i am 100 pounds and 5'1. My old doctor doesnt know what he was doing so for the sake of your or a loved ones health if u live in California, dont go to dr. roberts at UCLA. I found my new doctors, which i had until i was 5 but moves to Las vegas, moved back to Bakersfield, CA and went to UCLA first but got new doctors, are the BEST at what they do....i truely mean that and I say that with an added 40+ years added to my life thanx to them..All in best regaurds!Im or e mail me@ if you have questions or just want to chat...thank you soo much i have more 2 say just limited on time THANX!


New member
I ditto, Dr. Lieberthal is great. I am so sad because of change in insurance we won't be going to Kaiser anymore.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I know how u are feelin if I had a dime for everytime I had a doctor say I was very sick or goin to die I would be rich. I dont know how everyones doctors are but when they look at your PFT's they look at the numbers and there is a rating scale I think it is like Great to critical condition. Even if the doctor said u are goin to die in so many years it does not mean your goin to die it is just an average of other CFs. It does not mean he does not know what he is talkin about he is just tellin u by what your PFT's numbers are compared to the scales they use . they are just numbers it really only matters how u feel to me. he is just goin by what he knows Doctor are not gods by any means they are human and make mistakes. Some Doctor just dont know how to word things to make them sound better they just say it how it is and sometimes sound crueled. That is just my oppion on this subject. Dustin Baker 23 w/cf


New member
i think she was saying her last doctor didnt know what he was doing and has made her and her friend sicker for it. where as if she went somewhere else or had her present doctors their health would be in better condition. it really does say something if you were really sick and went from 70 pounds to 100 pounds within weeks of changind doctors. plus an increase in lung function.