In need of some good thoughts and prayers, and suggestions.....


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Luckly this isn't directly CF related, but still very important. My 1988 Honda civic finally gave out on me yesterday... the engine died on the way to the grocery store. I took it i and had 2 different mechanic shops tell me it needed a new engine. That will run me about 2k....hum. No brainer that I am not going to put any more into this car. So here's the problem, I don't have ANY money to put down on a car, and will only get financed off of my military base pay (through the navy credit union) which is 18k a year. So I will be able to get about a 7k loan. I am not looking for a luxury car, but I am not willing to "settle" (as I did with the 88 but I did get good use out of it) for a car just because it's what my loan will cover. We now have NO car for me to get to work (thank god for some good friends who will help out with rides, only day not covered is thursday and next monday), NO car for Mark to get to doctors appointments. I guess I am just venting, on the verge of tears adn don't know what to do. Hindsight says, "wow, I wish I would have saved more money" but in the end, there was no more money to save after we bought the essentials. And then to make matters worse, Washington State University is screwing us over on financial aid (first year in 4 years we have had any fin. aid problems-go figure) and the loans and grants he has lined up now won't even cover the $4125 in tuition and the $800 in books. Just venting, wanting to jump off a bridge or something at the moment.

Thanks to all for listening


New member
Is there a church that you go to that may help?
Are there any CF charities that you know of in your area that may help? I'm just grasping at straws here.
I sure hope things turn around for you, and soon. I'll continue to think of possibilities.


New member
Don't you just hate it when you're standing in a hole fuill of s**t and someone dumps more on your head? I am pretty sick of it. Can you go to the financial aide office at school and talk to someone there for help? Explain the situation and hope that they are human and understand your situation? You are lucky to have friends to help out for now. As far as the car goes, I don't know what to offer for advice there....Been there...done that!
Hang in there and I'll keep thinking of solutions!


New member
I realize that you dont want to put more $$$ into such an old car, but this is just a thought. Is the quote given to you about the new engine for a 'NEW' engine? There is the possibility of a rebuilt or used engine? I, myself, question that idea only because unless its a rebuilt with a 30 day or so warranty you can just being entering another headache world.


New member

I can't speak to the financial aid situation but for a car . . . . I know it's depressing to have a $7k budget looking at <i>new</i> car prices. But I have never paid more than $5k for a car and I've had great cars running into the 100's of thousands of miles. I'm certain you can find a great used car with your budget and a bit of research (which I know you're good at). I'm not sure if this is helpful but it's my experience.


New member
My church is in WA and I haven't been in communication with them (save for sending a CF fundraising letter-which nobody bothered to respond to) since I moved to CA. The estimation for the engine is a rebuilt engine, and honeslty I don't think my car is safe, hence why I want to put $0 into it. The drivers seat is only bolted to the floor on the inside side of the seat, not both sides of the seat so it's like a projectile seat, none of the lights on the INSIDE of the car work (i.e. driving at night I can't see what gear I am in or my air/heat). I wouldn't mind getting a used car, but I need an economical car because I drive A LOT of miles and I need something very dependable. The biggest problem/scam here in CA is people bringing cars over from mexico, switching out the VIN #s from totaled cars before the total loss is reported to carfax and then putting the CA plates on the car. It was a big thing on dateline NBC or something like that a few weeks ago (go figure). I just want to scream right now. WE had it all planned to save and purchase a new car next year after Mark graduates and gets a job, but that got all screwed up.

Oh well


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How about leasing? I dont personally do that because I hold onto my cars for as long as possible once they are paid for. It is a short term commitment, but you would still need $$ upfront & the miles might do you in. I am just thinking of options until you are in a financial position to purchase what you are more wanting. I dont know how leasing is in CA, but in NY its a big business.


New member
I can give car advice. Financial advice... I'm not so good at.

Chevrolet. I'm sure other people are going to say other brands, but in my opinion if you want a car you will be able to rely on... it's chevrolet. I have a '98 S10 pickup truck. I got it when it had 30,000 miles on it, and it was a GM certified used vehicle (I bought it from a car dealer - so as a GM certified used vehicle it had a comprehensive warranty for 3 months/3,000 miles). It was a little bit over 7k. It doesn't have a lot of features (like cruise control, a/c, or extended cab), but for the most part, I can live with that. I've put over 50,000 miles on it so far, trouble free.

If you aren't dead-set on a car - I love my little truck. The gas mileage isn't excellent, but it doesn't suck (I get 27-28 mpg). They don't make S10's anymore. However they were really popular, so there are lots of used ones.

Why am I so "Go Chevy!"? My parents had an '84 S10. They finally scrapped it (it would have cost more to fix than it was worth, but it was still drivable - just leaking oil like a sieve) when it had 393,000 miles (that is NOT a typo) on it in 2000 or 2001. They also have an '89 Astro. It's still going strong at 325,000 miles. They bought a new Astro a few years ago, and a slightly used S10 a few months ago. The main key to car life? Change the oil regularly. Check the fluids. Pay attention to your car - if it sounds odd, stop.

Start looking around at local dealers and browse carsoup - hopefully you can find something nice and quickly!


New member
Oh, man, I can completely relate. It stinks sooo much when your car craps out on you. I had an 87 toyota pickup that did the same thing to me. I could have gotten a new engine, but even if I got it used and installed it myself, it still would have run $1200. =-) He he, not something I have. =-) I've never replaced it, but thankfully Denver has a good public transportation system.

Anyway, have you ever tried one of those police auction things? I've heard you can get cars there cheap, though no telling what condition the car is in... or who it used to belong to.

About the college thing, this isn't guaranteed, but you could try being <i>really</i> nice and polite to the people in the financial aid or payment offices. Sucking up to then, even. =-) Sometimes, they can pull some strings; at least, it helped me get out of a couple jams in college. I hope everything works out!


New member
I think you should buy another used car. I just bought a 98 Jeep Grand Cherokee for 5,500 and it has been fantastic. We have a Ford expedition but that thing was sucking so much gas I decided to buy something for my husband to drive back and forth to work and the Jeep has been fantastic and I really felt the price was good. I think new cars are over rated, they lose value so quickly and you always end up upside down with them if you try to trade em in. I know my husband and I got into a real bad situation about two years ago when the transmission went out in the Expedition, we didn't know what to do. Fortunately, I have a car provided to me through my job so I never have to worry about it, but my husband had no way of getting to work or anything, it was a nightmare. We went to Navy Relief and they loaned us the 1,800 for the new transmission with no interest. It really didn't take long to pay it back either. They took $180 out of his pay for a while but we managed. But, I don't blame you for not wanting to sink anymore money into a 1988 vehicle, you need something newer that you can depend on.


I can completely relate also - we are car-less right now too. I cannot believe what cars cost! It's also intimidating because I don't know much about cars. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


It's funny you mention the importance of oil changes - Oddly enough, our car died because of an improper oil change by a Jiffy Lube franchise. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
I see that you had a Honda and it must have lasted a while giving it was an 88. I personally think that Honda is the best investment you can make. We have a HOnda Accord that is a 96 i think anyway, it has about 150000 miles and has never given us a days trouble. WE know who owned it to begin with and they never had a problem with it either. We payed 5000 but family also sold it to us so we lucked out. As for schooling. I had my schooling paid for through disability. I am not exactly sure what it category it fell under but I never paid a dime for tuition. It was such a blessing. If you want more info on it contact me and I will try and help. It was a while ago so I am not exactly sure how we did everything but I can talk with my dad who helped me very much in getting it all squared away. They paid from the time I graduated from high school up until I got my bachelors degree. I never would have been able to go to school without it.

Emilee with 2 E's


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>SeasonsOfLove</b></i><br>Oddly enough, our car died because of an improper oil change by a Jiffy Lube franchise.<hr></blockquote>
I trust those places as far as my grandmother can throw them. I was lazy once and didn't want to change oil myself (okay, I was lazy and didn't want to freeze - cursed Minnesota winters), and I took it to one of those places (I can't remember if it was Valvoline or Jiffy Lube).

They told me I needed all this other crap done. They showed me a nasty, dirty air filter. I said I just wanted my oil changed. They gave me the sheet to look at later. When I got home I looked at my air filter. It was cleanish. So they had showed me the stock "dirty" filter. I reviewed the list of "repairs" with my car-knowledgable father.

They said I needed to change the fluid in my front differential. I don't have one.

They said I needed to change my automatic transmission fluid. I drive a manual.

In other words, they wanted to charge me for a bunch of work THEY COULDN'T DO. Needless to say, I was peeved.

Now, no matter how cold or miserable it is, I always change my oil.


New member

I am sorry for all the trouble you are having.. I agree with Emily nothing stinks more then being in a hole of "poop" and having more piled on you.
I know you are so resourceful and will have this all figured out in no time.

I do know that leasing a car is an option for some ppl, you can get an economy car and insurance pretty inexpensively and you will have the peace of mind of knowing that you have a new reliable car. I was always against leasing because I wanted something in the end to show for my payments, but my next car I would consider leasing... and since you are going to be paying money each month anyway.. either to pay the loan off or a car payment you might as well get a new car out of the deal.

I know you can also get a decent car though for the money they are offering you, I just worry that if it is like you said, vin number changed or something it may end up being a money pit.

As far as Fin. Aide.. Oddly enough I just found out that one of my sources scholarships ran out.....I took to long to graduate.. What I did was went to the head women in charge of scholarships, and I told her without all my money I can't go to school. I have to many expenses. I pleaded with her, and now I am reapplying for a new one. I am sure you have filled out FAFSAs and stuff and have that all set, if you can't get any where on a Fed. level, the Fin Aid office at the college has the power to adjust things as they see fit.

I hope things get worked out soon, and I also hope some ppl post who can be more helpful, as you are SOOOOOOOOOOO helpful to all of us..

Good Luck..



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I'm sorry, Julie... If I was smart enough on this type of thing to have any idea, I'd share. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">


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When i was looking into getting a car for myself I was on a tight budget too...about $5,000...The idea at the time was get it used and then upgrade later after i had a job and stuf...that didnt work out but i learned somethings. If you go to a car dealership and look at the used cars they have ones that are in good shape, usually under some kind of warranty. If you tell the salesman (i know sneaky and untrastable) that you want to just out riht pay for it, they will show you everything you are looking for because they love it when someone just buys it, less paper work for them and I think a bigger commision because they dont have to do the monthly thing. I was looking at chevy cavalers, toyotas, and hondas...although I would rather have a chevy or toyota because I know from experience and family member that they love them and last a super long time. My aunt has a toyota corrola they bought brand new like 12 years ago and the only problems they have had is changing a dead hhead light, new breaks...small repairs and they drive that thing alot. and on country rough roads. Anyway since you mentioned the problem in cali with mexico cars, Look at used cars at a reputable dealership. You can usually get them to go down on the price first stated too if you feel that the car needs new tires or some least prove to them you know what your talking about and your not going to let them screw you over, they will go down a good chunk (usually). In 2001 when i was looking at a chevy i could have gotten a 98 or 99 calvalier for 5,500, they went down 1000 because my dad told them it needed new tires and some other things....well they wouldnt go down another 500 and my dad said no...just cus he was to cheap to help me for 500...and 5,500 was a great deal for this car. Anyway do what you usually do and get all your research in, look at many cars before you settle for something. Like what was said before you can find really good used cars for a great price...You know those people who get a new car every year have to trade it in and those havent been used to much and are tons cheaper than buying brand new.

For the school thing, does cali have a program for disable people going to college. I know here you can get your school practically all paid foreven books and tutors if your considered disabled, and of course some other qualifications like income and if your on state assistance already. I think i was going to go through the state rehabilitation center for school.