in the hospital... trying to go home soon


New member
so i've been in the hospital for a week... just another tune up they say.

my pft's weren't very good when i first came in. i think my fev75 was in the 40's but now it's 111%

anybody else have experiences like this, where hospitalizations drastically improve your pft's?!


New member
so i've been in the hospital for a week... just another tune up they say.

my pft's weren't very good when i first came in. i think my fev75 was in the 40's but now it's 111%

anybody else have experiences like this, where hospitalizations drastically improve your pft's?!


New member
so i've been in the hospital for a week... just another tune up they say.
<br />
<br />my pft's weren't very good when i first came in. i think my fev75 was in the 40's but now it's 111%
<br />
<br />anybody else have experiences like this, where hospitalizations drastically improve your pft's?!


New member
i've had that happen before where my fev1 jumped from like 22 to 32% after just three days in the hospital, doesn't happen anymore but its always a good feeling when it does, i say enjoy it!


New member
i've had that happen before where my fev1 jumped from like 22 to 32% after just three days in the hospital, doesn't happen anymore but its always a good feeling when it does, i say enjoy it!


New member
i've had that happen before where my fev1 jumped from like 22 to 32% after just three days in the hospital, doesn't happen anymore but its always a good feeling when it does, i say enjoy it!


New member
I'm in the hospital too. I wish that would happen to me. But congratulations!! You should get everything you can out of this, I can't remember the last time my pft's were in the 90s. If mine went up that high, I would take a trip somewhere or run a marathon lol. Seriously, you should be very proud of yourself, thats f***ing awesome!!


New member
I'm in the hospital too. I wish that would happen to me. But congratulations!! You should get everything you can out of this, I can't remember the last time my pft's were in the 90s. If mine went up that high, I would take a trip somewhere or run a marathon lol. Seriously, you should be very proud of yourself, thats f***ing awesome!!


New member
I'm in the hospital too. I wish that would happen to me. But congratulations!! You should get everything you can out of this, I can't remember the last time my pft's were in the 90s. If mine went up that high, I would take a trip somewhere or run a marathon lol. Seriously, you should be very proud of yourself, thats f***ing awesome!!