In The Hospital

Hey. Its meagan. I was seeing a lung dr. in south carolina ( but he didnt specialize in CF) i kept getting sick nd sick nd sick, he kept taking x-rays saying everything was fine nd puttin me on Tobi. It wasnt working . They recommended me to Emory a hospital in Atlanta that has a CF clinic. The visit went well my PFT's were 40 so she was worried. 4 days later i ended up in the emergency room with chest pain, the dr. there called emory nd the dr. here said i needed to b admitted right away. I have been here 12 days. I found out on my 5th day that my psudemonas was fighting or growing a nasty evil bug that had become resistent to every medicine possible even the ones they put me on in the hospital. So now they tried new meds which seem to be working but have bad side effects. Im feeling a little better nd kinda want to go home already... I have alot goin on in my head i have been thinking about alot.. Just writting to get some advice or something cuz idk wats gonna happen next. nd i dnt want a lung transplant

Hey. Its meagan. I was seeing a lung dr. in south carolina ( but he didnt specialize in CF) i kept getting sick nd sick nd sick, he kept taking x-rays saying everything was fine nd puttin me on Tobi. It wasnt working . They recommended me to Emory a hospital in Atlanta that has a CF clinic. The visit went well my PFT's were 40 so she was worried. 4 days later i ended up in the emergency room with chest pain, the dr. there called emory nd the dr. here said i needed to b admitted right away. I have been here 12 days. I found out on my 5th day that my psudemonas was fighting or growing a nasty evil bug that had become resistent to every medicine possible even the ones they put me on in the hospital. So now they tried new meds which seem to be working but have bad side effects. Im feeling a little better nd kinda want to go home already... I have alot goin on in my head i have been thinking about alot.. Just writting to get some advice or something cuz idk wats gonna happen next. nd i dnt want a lung transplant

Hey. Its meagan. I was seeing a lung dr. in south carolina ( but he didnt specialize in CF) i kept getting sick nd sick nd sick, he kept taking x-rays saying everything was fine nd puttin me on Tobi. It wasnt working . They recommended me to Emory a hospital in Atlanta that has a CF clinic. The visit went well my PFT's were 40 so she was worried. 4 days later i ended up in the emergency room with chest pain, the dr. there called emory nd the dr. here said i needed to b admitted right away. I have been here 12 days. I found out on my 5th day that my psudemonas was fighting or growing a nasty evil bug that had become resistent to every medicine possible even the ones they put me on in the hospital. So now they tried new meds which seem to be working but have bad side effects. Im feeling a little better nd kinda want to go home already... I have alot goin on in my head i have been thinking about alot.. Just writting to get some advice or something cuz idk wats gonna happen next. nd i dnt want a lung transplant



New member
Don't worry Meagan. At least they found the problem! I'm sure you'll be able to go home soon. It sucks that it took them so long to find the problem, I hate when that happens. I guess there are so many places to look in the body that it's hard to check every one.
So is the new medication successfully wiping out the bug?

Message me if you need someone to chat with.
Or if you have AIM my screen name is Lance2020x.

We're here for you if you need anything! Stay strong and keep us updated.


New member
Don't worry Meagan. At least they found the problem! I'm sure you'll be able to go home soon. It sucks that it took them so long to find the problem, I hate when that happens. I guess there are so many places to look in the body that it's hard to check every one.
So is the new medication successfully wiping out the bug?

Message me if you need someone to chat with.
Or if you have AIM my screen name is Lance2020x.

We're here for you if you need anything! Stay strong and keep us updated.


New member
Don't worry Meagan. At least they found the problem! I'm sure you'll be able to go home soon. It sucks that it took them so long to find the problem, I hate when that happens. I guess there are so many places to look in the body that it's hard to check every one.
So is the new medication successfully wiping out the bug?

Message me if you need someone to chat with.
Or if you have AIM my screen name is Lance2020x.

We're here for you if you need anything! Stay strong and keep us updated.


New member
hi meagan don't lose hope, i will pray for you in God and everything will be ok.

relat,27,having brother 26 w/cf.


New member
hi meagan don't lose hope, i will pray for you in God and everything will be ok.

relat,27,having brother 26 w/cf.


New member
hi meagan don't lose hope, i will pray for you in God and everything will be ok.

relat,27,having brother 26 w/cf.


New member
Dont lose hope. It probably will take a bit longer to bounce back since it took a bit longer to get to the problem. Good Luck!


New member
Dont lose hope. It probably will take a bit longer to bounce back since it took a bit longer to get to the problem. Good Luck!


New member
Dont lose hope. It probably will take a bit longer to bounce back since it took a bit longer to get to the problem. Good Luck!
Thanks guys for the replies. Hopefully i can go home monday as long as my PFT r still up. This morning i was having pains in my kidney area( so the dr. called it) nd i had blood in my mucus but they dnt think its anything serious... I will keep you updated, thank you for everything

lance2020x thanks for adding me.. nd ill talk to u later

Thanks guys for the replies. Hopefully i can go home monday as long as my PFT r still up. This morning i was having pains in my kidney area( so the dr. called it) nd i had blood in my mucus but they dnt think its anything serious... I will keep you updated, thank you for everything

lance2020x thanks for adding me.. nd ill talk to u later
