In the hospital


New member
Well i went to the local er this morning, i wanted to wait a bit to see if my health would get better. My tummy was hurting so bad i was bent over like a elder with no cane. And i caught the flu too. Ive had the stomach pains for about a week now and i thought it was from my prevacid (acid reflux). They evaluated me at the locan er and told me that my liver enzymes were off. Which when tested at childrens it has always been normal. I dont know but they are concerened and had admited me..i just dont know how serious it is. They seemed worried o_o how serious is that?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Well i went to the local er this morning, i wanted to wait a bit to see if my health would get better. My tummy was hurting so bad i was bent over like a elder with no cane. And i caught the flu too. Ive had the stomach pains for about a week now and i thought it was from my prevacid (acid reflux). They evaluated me at the locan er and told me that my liver enzymes were off. Which when tested at childrens it has always been normal. I dont know but they are concerened and had admited me..i just dont know how serious it is. They seemed worried o_o how serious is that?<img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">


New member
Wow - hope you're feeling better Vampy. I was told when I was around 20 that my liver enzymes were off too. They some how managed to right themselves, and to this day the doc isn't sure what happened.

On a side note, your er story reminds me of somehting that happened to me two weeks ago. I've been very sick with a really bad chest infection for the past 3 weeks, and I had to go to the local er because I was having an asthma attack - you know, could not get a breath, my throat was swollen, I was very lite headed. The nurse made me wait in the er with my attack for 4 hours before a doc could see me. She said this was all because my chest had minimal wheezing and my O2 was 98%. 4 hours I waited with an asthma attack, the nurse knowing full well that I have CF. I don't trust the er at all anymore.


New member
Wow - hope you're feeling better Vampy. I was told when I was around 20 that my liver enzymes were off too. They some how managed to right themselves, and to this day the doc isn't sure what happened.

On a side note, your er story reminds me of somehting that happened to me two weeks ago. I've been very sick with a really bad chest infection for the past 3 weeks, and I had to go to the local er because I was having an asthma attack - you know, could not get a breath, my throat was swollen, I was very lite headed. The nurse made me wait in the er with my attack for 4 hours before a doc could see me. She said this was all because my chest had minimal wheezing and my O2 was 98%. 4 hours I waited with an asthma attack, the nurse knowing full well that I have CF. I don't trust the er at all anymore.


New member
I hope you start feeling better. I had the same thing happen a while back with my liver enzymes being abnormally high.

With my bloodwork and liver enzymes being elevated I was sent to several different docs and had bloodwork done every few weeks til the problem had corrected itself. I went through tests for about 5 months until they found out I had a "non-functioning" gallbladder, which turned out to not be "malfunctioning" really so much as being full of gallstones.
We didn't identify symptoms of attacks because when I had complained of prior gallstone symptoms they had been written off as anxiety and I was given meds for that. I had the following symptoms - stomach pain, sharp back pain, tightness in chest which caused difficulty breathing, nausea and vomitting - all of these symptoms went away once I had surgery and had my gallbladder removed.

Dehydration is also another possiblity like Melissa mentioned.

I hope you start feeling better and that they figure out what, if anything, is the problem.

Best Wishes,


New member
I hope you start feeling better. I had the same thing happen a while back with my liver enzymes being abnormally high.

With my bloodwork and liver enzymes being elevated I was sent to several different docs and had bloodwork done every few weeks til the problem had corrected itself. I went through tests for about 5 months until they found out I had a "non-functioning" gallbladder, which turned out to not be "malfunctioning" really so much as being full of gallstones.
We didn't identify symptoms of attacks because when I had complained of prior gallstone symptoms they had been written off as anxiety and I was given meds for that. I had the following symptoms - stomach pain, sharp back pain, tightness in chest which caused difficulty breathing, nausea and vomitting - all of these symptoms went away once I had surgery and had my gallbladder removed.

Dehydration is also another possiblity like Melissa mentioned.

I hope you start feeling better and that they figure out what, if anything, is the problem.

Best Wishes,


New member
thank you muchs but problem with the gall bladder, i dont have one mine got taken out when i was 18 right after i got my g tube out think its me being ..."backed up" as they so call put it.i think its starting to feel better *crosses fingers* i hope i go home tomarrow i miss my fiance' so bad <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
thank you muchs but problem with the gall bladder, i dont have one mine got taken out when i was 18 right after i got my g tube out think its me being ..."backed up" as they so call put it.i think its starting to feel better *crosses fingers* i hope i go home tomarrow i miss my fiance' so bad <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
I do hope you start feeling better. I am glad everything is looking better though and hope that you will be able to go home and see your fiance soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.

Take Care,


New member
I do hope you start feeling better. I am glad everything is looking better though and hope that you will be able to go home and see your fiance soon <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">.

Take Care,