incorrect sweat test?


New member
Is there a chance that results of a sweat test are incorrect? We had the test done at a reputable center, but I am still concerned, there have been a couple new signs that my son could have cf, such as mucous in his stool, which has smelled kind of fishy, and was a green-grey color, which was a mustard yellow a week ago. He is definitely gaining weight, and does not taste salty. Any input would be appreciated


New member
There are many stories of false negatives and false positives. Ultimately, there are no tests right now for CF (sweat or blood) that are 100% conclusive because so many mutations of CF exist. But I strongly encourage you to pursue the blood test if you are still that concerned about your child, which you have every right to be. The typical blood test will analyze for 25-50 of the most common mutations, there exists another test (and hopefully someone will post the company that does it because I can't remember) done by a specific company that tests about 1,000 mutations. If you feel that there is something wrong with your baby, you have every right to pursue the correct diagnosis and treatment of you child and I encourage you to do so. Doctor's and nurses by all means don't know everything, and surpisingly CF still goes undiagnosed and misdiagnosed everyday.
Good luck and please keep us updated on your results,

Julie (Wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Hi ...
I am also feeling like my son's sweat test maybe incorrect. A lot of people here suggest the blood test that is done by Ambry Genetics. They do take various types of insurance. Their webite is<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Ambry Genetics</a>.

Good luck!!


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>Jen, thanks for that. New the information was out there but didnt' remember the name.


No problem, Julie!! It was actually kind of nice to have an answer here and not another question for a change!! ;o)


New member
You catch on fast! There are some things I am mindful to because they apply to my husbands situation, and some just slip through for me because we are past that "point" in the CF discovery. But it is nice to know, because I might contact Ambry for myself, I want to, as much as possible rule myself out as a carrier before we pursue IVF/ICSI in October. Thanks for the link too!
