Indigestion from ADEKs


New member
I'm suspecting that ADEKs liquid do not set will on my 3 year old's stomach and am wondering if anyone has encountered this.

He used SourceCF drops as a baby with no problem then switched to SourcCF tablets but he decided he does not like the tablets so we offered him some ADEKS liquid we have. He loved it apparently and is more than happy to eat it, but on 3 occasions now he's had a bad stomach ache and diarrhea. Once it was within a few hours and twice it was the next morning after taking the vitamins in the evening. We only gave him half the recommended dose and he had food and enzymes with it. It's just that there were no other diet or health factors out of the ordinary and the ADEKs was a new bottle and not expired or mis-stored so here we are.


New member
DS is 2 1/2 and has been on 1 ml of adeks, twice a day since he was a couple weeks old. He's never had a problem with it -- I give it to him in the morning right before breakfast -- breakfast consists of 4-6 ounces of Carnation Instant Breakfast and I give it to him when we get home from school around 5:15 on an empty stomach, 'cuz he doesn't eat dinner until after treatments -- 6-15-6:30.

If there haven't been any other changes in his diet, could very well be the adeks though. Liza