Infant PFT test


New member
My daughter Samantha will have an infant PFT test on Wednesday. I believe it's a relatively new procedure. It is specifically for those under the age of two. We are a little apprehensive as she will have to be sedated, but we also know that it may result in valuable information in regard to her lung function. Has anyone else had their child participate in this type of testing?

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest, Samantha w/cf)


New member
hello- i am a pulmonary function technologist at a n.y university hospital. i have been performing pulmonary function tests for 20+ years and infant pft's for about 12 years. we have recently stopped only due to staffing difficulties in our department. infant pft's do provide valuable information for the pediatric pulmonolgist to follow. yes, the child is sedated so they sleep throughout the aprox 1-1 1/2 hour test. we never had any problems with patients during testing. our hospital avg at our peek 3-6 tests per month. the test does not hurt the child. as they woke up, the only thing that seemed to bother them is that they were obviously hungry. in our hospital food was withheld prior to testing and only given again after sedation had worn off. your baby should do fine. it is the begining of usually yearly pft's performed. regular pft depending on the cooperation of the child are usually started at the age of 5. i know we have pretty good sucess at our hospital because at 5, we try to make it fun and not scary. good luck to you and your child. i have seen so much progress in cf treatment in my 21 years of testing pulmonary patients. i hope tomorrow sees a cure for all of my cf patients.

good luck<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you so much for your informative reply. Did your infant patients also have to hold off on their morning nebs (i.e. albuterol, pulmozyme, Tobi)? I will ask our lab, but just curious.



New member
the onloy med we would hold was albuterol because we tested the patient pre and post albuterol probably will have to do the same but it is ultimately up to your md order/lab policy. good luck