Infant Screening


New member
Does your state have Cystic Fibrosis on their mandatory infant screening list?
If they don't here is what you can do to get it on the list; write you states government from senators to the governor. We was very successful in getting it done in our state. July 2006 it became part of the mandatory infant screening , one of the best tool in fighting CF is earlier diagnoses. Our Governor even declared May as Cystic Fibrosis awareness in month in Kentucky. If you need a sample letter to use the CF foundation was very helpful to us. If I can be of any help feel free to contact me.


New member
Does your state have Cystic Fibrosis on their mandatory infant screening list?
If they don't here is what you can do to get it on the list; write you states government from senators to the governor. We was very successful in getting it done in our state. July 2006 it became part of the mandatory infant screening , one of the best tool in fighting CF is earlier diagnoses. Our Governor even declared May as Cystic Fibrosis awareness in month in Kentucky. If you need a sample letter to use the CF foundation was very helpful to us. If I can be of any help feel free to contact me.


New member
Does your state have Cystic Fibrosis on their mandatory infant screening list?
If they don't here is what you can do to get it on the list; write you states government from senators to the governor. We was very successful in getting it done in our state. July 2006 it became part of the mandatory infant screening , one of the best tool in fighting CF is earlier diagnoses. Our Governor even declared May as Cystic Fibrosis awareness in month in Kentucky. If you need a sample letter to use the CF foundation was very helpful to us. If I can be of any help feel free to contact me.