***Info in Februrary 2006 Parents Magazine


New member
In the February 2006 issue of parents there are 2 things I want to mention in case anyone is interested. First there is a small article on CF under a bigger topic of "Doctor, what would you do if it was your Child?". The CF article is about a doctor (pediatrician in california) who has a son with CF. It gives basic info on CF as well as a brief discription of their situation. She had treated CF patients during her practice so when her son was dx she had the idea of how serious of an illness they were dealing with. In addition there is also an ad for Pulmicort. The advertisement states that if you are without prescripton coverage and cant afford your childs medicine, AstraZeneca may be able to help. Call 800-910-3090 and ask for the Prescription Assistance Program or visit their website at <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.PulmicortRespules.com..">http://www.PulmicortRespules.com..</a> Those interested in seeing the article or others that I have mentioned in the past the website for the magazine is htttp://wwww.parents.com