I made an appt for Katie at the children's hospital for a sweat test. It's in a few weeks. I just called and set it up, and that was no problem, but the nurse said I'll need to have the perscription. That I don't have b/c I didn't ask any of Katie's doctors (b/c when I have asked in the past I got "we're not there yet"). Since I'll need a perscription, I thought I'd ask the pediatrician when we are there next week.
For those of you who had to insist on a sweat test-what did you do/say to make the doctor give you the perscription? Basically, I want it done because I need to know yes or no. Selfishly-for my own sanity. For Katie, so we can take charge of it if it is or narrow the scope if it isn't. Will the doc just give it to me if I insist enough? It's already scheduled, and my insurance wasn't a problem for them. Should it be so difficult for the doctor to write the script?
It also looks like Katie has to have her adenoids out...the pulm referred us to an ENT for that.
For those of you who had to insist on a sweat test-what did you do/say to make the doctor give you the perscription? Basically, I want it done because I need to know yes or no. Selfishly-for my own sanity. For Katie, so we can take charge of it if it is or narrow the scope if it isn't. Will the doc just give it to me if I insist enough? It's already scheduled, and my insurance wasn't a problem for them. Should it be so difficult for the doctor to write the script?
It also looks like Katie has to have her adenoids out...the pulm referred us to an ENT for that.