Insurance update


New member
A story in the April 11, 2006 Wall Street Journal talks about an increasing number of states passing laws to require insurance companies to continue covering children on parental policies beyond the previously typical age 19 or while in school. For example, the article cites New Jersey passing a law taking effect in May 2006 that requires insurers to cover children until age 30 without the requirement of being in school.

If anyone is facing insurance issues and has not checked their state laws recently, it might be worth a few phone calls to see if anything has changed.


New member
I will indeed check on this..I have a while to go yet because Kait is only 10, but i worry about this subject all of the time. I pray that the laws in Ohio change as well.

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Some states also have laws that so that your disabled unmarried child (of any age) can stay on your policy.
You might want to check that out and see how your state determines eligibility in that case.

who hasn't logged in


New member
It is possible to get kids covered as a "disabled dependent" in most states -- the information I have is there are only 7 states that do not allow for this type of coverage:

We are in Washington state and have continuing coverage for our son (who has CF) but not because of the CF, but because of developmental delay/autism issues. He is covered on our policy indefinitely as long as he "continues to meet the requirements" which I'm not worried about because it is highly unlikely the neurologist will ever find he is miraculously cured :)