Interesting turn of events..


New member
Well, with Maxwell we still don't know about CF he is scheduled for a DNA test and Sinus CT on Thursday 22nd of June. However, our family battles with rare diseases has just begun. We started a curiosity in our family and many members are now going to the Dr.'s. My niece (17) just went in for DNA testing because the Dr. thinks she may have Turner Syndrome another genetic disorder listed by NORD. The interesting thing is this is my 1/2 sisters daughter (we share the same mother) so, we believe we have pin pionted that these mutations are coming from our mothers side. My sister is also seeing if they can add in the panel for CF with the DNA test. My niece exibits some of the symptoms for CF like bronchitis, pnemonia, chest congestion, she always sounds like she has mucos build up even when she talks. Perhaps we have opened a whole new discovery for our family and why people on my mothers side have died at such young ages. I just had to post this because although sad it is very exciting to start uncovering such mysteries!

Candace mother of 3 healthy children & Maxwell udx age 6 possible CF


New member
That is so very interesting. I hope that this testing for your child and your family gives you guys some answers about what is going on and what has gone on in the past. Keep us posted, this is very interesting!!!