

New member

I'm a new member and just thought I'd introduce myself. I grew up in Australia, currently living in England. I have Cystic Fibrosis, and lead an extremely 'normal' life. I have played rugby every year of my life since I was 6, I started lifting weights when I was 16 and broke the Australian record for benchpress when I was 18.
I have almost complete pancreatic defficiency, yet with good diet and excercise I weigh 82kg(180lbs) with a height of 5'10. I am a 3D animator by profession and im currently looking for work. Im in hospital about 2 times a year, sometimes less for chest infections. Any questions please feel free to ask, looking forward to being a part of the community.



New member
I'm 14 and also live a relatively normal life. I live in Massachusetts, USA with two little sisters, my parents, and an adorable dog. I used to play soccer and was in drama club, but last year, I took up karate. It's so fun! I also take part in the Great Strides walk in Rhode Island, USA every year. Good luck and great job on keeping so healthy! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
