Ionic Breeze with Ozone Guard


New member
We've gotten mixed feedback about using the Ionic Breeze. Some say the ozone emission is too low to effect anyone and others say it's a definite no-no, especially for people with CF. We recently purchased the Ozone Guards to attach to our purifiers - is this safe? We never really got a yes or no answer from our pulm. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

mother of 4yr old w/CF


New member
I just refreshed a smiliar topic a few pages long <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> There is no "right" answer as you can see after you read this information. Personally, I would stay away after all the documented problems-but that's just me. Hope it helps


New member
I don't know if they are safe or not -- my husband did a bunch of research and said he did not want to buy one. We went with a large hepa filter that treats the whole house. Most of the time we just leave it in my daughters bedroom and run it at night only -- she says she feels a difference