Is it just me or....


New member
Everytime I start my Tobi I start feeling like crap. My brother also said the same thing about when he starts Tobi. I was feeling just fine, then I started my Tobi yesterday morning, now I'm coughing like crazy and I've been sneezing and my nose has been running. Maybe it's just me. Also, I usually don't cough that much at night, but last night I coughed so much that I only got about 4 hours of sleep. It just seems like this happens every time I start Tobi. Anyone else have this problem????


New member
Are you doing pulmozyme, hypertonic saline and Vest or other PT, and then the tobi? Tobi should be last. Get yourself good and cleaned out before the Tobi. If I get lazy and don't do HS and don't do a good Vest session, Tobi will give me a productive cough. Which is good and bad. Its good because it is productive, but its bad because I am coughing up the Tobi before it kills anything.


Staff member
DS seems to get a froggy voice. DH, who supervises while DS does his tobi say his throat gets scratching and his nose burns after sitting in the room with him during tobi time. He's also on pulmozyme and atrovent/albuterol, but it's during the tobi we notice this. I also notice that DS tends to dig up his nose more often at that time -- what is it with toddlers and nosepicking -- Ewww!


New member
<span style=" font-size: x-small;">It isn't just you feeling bad
after doing Tobi. I did Tobi fro a few years before my Dr and I
decided that its not best for me. I agree with anon about making
sure to do it after everything else. But if that doesn't help talk
to your Dr about it. It was causing me to feel worse. My hemoptysis
got worse when I was on my "on" cycle with tobi. I also
felt like I was getting cf sick when I was taking it. So if its
real bothersome talk to your Dr about it. It might not be the right
med for you


New member
I've noticed that I have a definite pattern of response to
antibiotic treatments, TOBI and tobra in particular. When I'm first
on it, I feel yucky. A couple days into it I feel lousy. After
about a week and a half I'm basically at the bottom of the
pendulum's swing as far as how I feel. After that I'm on the
upswing. I start feeling better and better almost daily.<br>
I may be wrong, but I think this phenomenon has to do with the
potency of those meds. When I think about how complex these
chemicals are and how they are working in my body it's little
wonder that I feel out of sorts from it. TOBI and tobra have always
worked wonders to get me back on track following infection, so I'm
not going to worry much until the day comes where I'm on these meds
and I don't observe the "wellness spectrum" that has
become so familiar in this course of treatment.


New member
When I start my first week of TOBI I tend to feel a bit rundown, but it goes away during the 2nd week. I also get a froggy throat, and do cough just a bit, but its nothing compared to the Tobra I used to be on.


New member
When I did TOBI I got the coughing fits too. I just made sure to try to do the TOBI a couple of hours before bedtime (if I could) instead of just before bedtime.


New member
That's so funny you posted this.. I just started my Tobi again last week and I feel like crap and I have half lost my voice. I dont' feel sick, just sorta run down (partly because school started and kids are crazy). I usually get a froggy throat with the Tobi, but this time it is worse because I teach and this is the 3rd week of school. My voice started to go out the second week, then got better, then I started Tobi and now it's worse. The voice thing always happens somewhat with the Tobi. The feeling run down- I am not sure if the Tobi has contributed to this, this time. I have been really bad it the past about sticking to the 28 day thing with TObi and for a couple years I only did it when I was sick- so I was already run down. But this time and this year I am determined to stay on schedule. I can't remember the last time I did it healthy and if it made me feel crappy.


New member
When I was first put on TOBI I had issues with feeling crummy - but usually that didn't hit until the end of the first week. I just knew the med was to potent for me. I would end up coughing up blood within 10 days. I would stop taking it and wait until the next on month to try it again. Everytime 10 day mark and there I was coughing up blood and feeling awful. Finally I told my docs I was unwilling to take it if I would be coughing up blood (when I was on TOBI was the ONLY time I have ever coughed up PURE blood).

I stopped taking it and had not taken it for about 3 years when my doc asked if I would be interested in trying it again last year. He said feel free to stop it at any time if you have problems or feel it is doing more harm than good. Now I love it I feel so much better when I am on it than when I am off it. I can honestly say though it is a total 180 degree turn from how it effected me 4 years ago.

I would talk to your doc and see what they think if you continue to feel bad while on it.
