Is it possible to gain weight having CF?


New member
Hello everybody

I'm very considered about my weight because it keeps growthing almost everyday what is not usual for me and for all having CF.till the time I lived in my country everything was ok.I was thin and haven't problems about my weight.When I moved to London few months was ok, but last 5months I can notice that I am 10kg bigger what is a disaster for me.Maybe you know why?And how to get my shape back, because everybody noticed that and I feel very uncomfortable with my weight.May it be because of me not using Kreon as often as I should.I have no my doctors coordinates to ask him. Anyway plannig go back to my country but still.For 20years old girl overweight isn't to good.
Thank you all .


New member
Yes you can gain weight with CF. In the last couple of years I have put on a total of 12 pounds. I was a good weight to begin with so 12 pounds feels more like 50 to me. If you want to take a little off just get as active as you can. Even if you just take a walk everyday it will help.