Is this odd?


New member
I have a friend that also has CF and she takes enzymes just like we all do, but when she takes her enzymes she sometimes takes up to 15-20 with ONE meal! I have also been told to take a certain number with each meal. Not like a sliding scale type basis. She takes as many pills as she wants depending on how greasy the food is or whatever. She says that is what the doctor says to do, but then again she doesnt see a normal CF doctor she sees a asthma doctor. Is this odd or is there other CF'ers out there that goes by the same rule?



New member
hi courtney,
my daughter has cf and she takes 6 per meals her cf doc is trying to put her down to 4 or 5 she says 6 is too much. i cant believe someone takes 15 to 20? thats seems alittle risky. you have to be careful they can do harm if taken a lot of them. i think she should see a cf doc she probably dont need all those. my daughter has a lot of fat intake in one meal and the doc says 6 is really too much. WOW !! im in shock thats a lot!
gail mother w/cf daughter


New member
I have a brother that use to take that many pills. He was able to change brands and now he doesn't have to take as many. I have also recently changed brands and now I only have to take three. It is something to look into. I use to take the Pancrease MT16, now I take the Ultrase 20. There are several different kinds you can try.

-Ann 25 w/cf


New member
I never took more than 5 with meals. I wouldn't question it normally, but since your friend doesn't see a CF doctor, I might second-think it. She should really be seeing a CF doctor. Plus 15-20 does sound like an exorbitant amount.


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I take Creon 10,000 so its probably very different from all of you - do you have Creon in the US? It doesnt sound like it.... Anyway I take mine on a sliding scale, I work it out for myself depending on how fatty the food is and from my previous experience. I take 10-15 with a main meal (eg. a stir fry I would have 10 or 11, but a roast dinner id possibly have 15). There is higher strength Creon around now in which case obviously I'd take less, but I am happy with the ones I have and don't want to bother with changing right now. 'If it ain't broke...' etc. So I think it does depend alot on which enzymes your friend is on. Also, I would never be happy to be told to take a fixed amount of Creon for each meal, as meals vary so much in fat content it just wouldn't be sensible.


New member
We do have Creon in the U.S. Although I don't hear of very many people using it anymore. They have several different levels. When I was a teenager I took the Creon 25 and it made it so I only had to take 2 pills, they have since discontinued that level. I have tried many different brands over the years. If you are having to take so many pills with meals I would highly reccomend talking to your doctor about trying something else.

-Ann 25 w/cf


New member
I think it depends on the kind of enzymes she is on. If she is on a low dose enzyme like cotazym and her needs are more than she would have to take alot. My sister takes cotazym but Im on Creon 25 and I take about 4-5 with meals. If i took my sisters enzymes id need like 10!! So I would ask her what brand she is on and maybe she should switch! Just a thought! By the way I m in Ontario, Canada and the Creon is used widely.

CF CFRD and liver disease.
pre transplant lung and liver 5 months


I'd have to say that if it works for her, let it be. She would know if it wasn't what her body was needing. My daughters both take Creon and it's pretty commonly used here as well (Minneapolis). My youngest daughter was on Creon 10 (1 pill w/ meals) but the dr changed her to 4 Creon 5's instead. Yes, it's easier for her to swallow 1 pill than 4 but the Creon 5 has much smaller beads than the Creon 10 so it's easier for her body to use them. She is doing better on them than on the Creon 10. My 10 year old takes 6 Creon 10's and it seems to work well also. As far as having a fixed number all the time, I personally don't think that's best either. I mean, if you're eating the same basic meals every day it really wouldn't matter but since most of us vary our meals, it would seem that the amount of enzymes needed would also vary. The dr has always told us to fluctuate the amount of enzymes with the particular meals she is having. If they eat a high fat meal we'll give her an extra enzyme or two and if it's a very small meal, we'll decrease it instead. It does sound shocking when you hear someone swallowing 20 pills or more for each meal but again, she could be on a lower strength enzyme and I would think she would know by her body's reaction if it wasn't what she needed. All that being said, I would, however, be concerned that she isn't being seen by a CF dr. Enzymes aside, there are many other reasons why a CF dr would be much preferable to a regular pulmonologist for a person with CF.


New member
its normal to take a different amount of enzyms for each meal, depending, how much fat you eat. I´m a little astonished, that your doc didn´t tell you that.
I do take eather Kreon 10000 or Kreon 25000, from 10000 to 80000 per meal. I know some others with cf who take Kreon 40000 and do take up to ten tablets from this for one meal.
So if your friend does not have any difficulties with her stomach, she seems to do right.
I just wonder, if you don´t have "fat stools" many times, if you are always taking the same amount of your enzyms!?



New member
Hi All

In the UK we have many different brands of Enzyme. Most PWCF I know use Creon. The dosage/strength of creon has slowly crept up over the years. First it went up to 5000 then 10000 now 25000. Some patients have trouble with the more concentrated doses and so stick to having just more, of the low dosages.

I use Creon 10000. Take roughly 12-16 with a full meal. 4 with a snack. All in all about 35-40 a day. I do know patients that take 30 with a meal! Sometimes no matter how many you take it does not completely control the digestion. I also take anti acids (lansoprosol) as an overly acidic stomach hinders digestion too.

The tablets are not only there to help with Fat absorption. If you look at the ingredients they aid the absorption of protein and carbohydrate as well. I would take more however with a meal high in fat.

Generally I have found that the older you get the more tablets are needed. I would also say that most PWCF don't take enough. I certainly didn't used to. Now I think I have the dosage about right you just have to get used to taking lots with a meal or snack.




New member
oh my goodness!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif" border="0">
I guess I'll quit complaining about taking my three!!!
I take 3 w/meals, 2 w/snacks, Ultrase MT 20' long does it take to take that many pills?
The people that take 30+ pills a day must have a lot more patience than me!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
I take Ultrase MT20's also. 4 with meals, 2 with snacks. I'm wondering, when does everyone take them? Before of after your meal? My whole life I've been taking them after, now I'm being told to take them before.


New member
I take MT16 3w/meal 2/w snack. I take mine before I eat. My friend who i was talking about when i started this post takes MT20 before each meal but she takes about 15-20


New member
my daughter takes ultrase mt 20 and she takes 6 per meal 4 with snack .she always takes them before meals which is best. but you can also take half and then the other half least that what the docs says! but she never tried half just got them out of the way. she just takes a long long time to swallow them.....


New member
you should take the enzyms before and during your meals (especially,if you take more than one tablet).
I can take about 5-6 tablets in the mouth and swallow them together, so even if you have to take more, I think it doesn´t take a long time.



New member
I was always told to take my tablets before i eat. As it only takes 8 seconds for your food to reach your stomach and obviously its there that the food needs digesting! so if you take them after i cant see how all that food it going to be digested without the pills. Does it not give ppl stomach aches!? would me!


New member
Years ago people took as many enzymes as they needed to gain weight. Then about 5 years ago or so, some warning came out saying that people on high doses of enzymes were in danger of getting something called colonic strictures. I'm not sure what these are but I assume it's undesirable. You may wish to check with your doctor about this issue if you're taking 15-20 pills at each meal.


New member
My dr told me to take my enzymes before eating as well. She said it's useless to take them after you started to eat your meal.


New member
Hi All

To add to my previous comments. I take my tablets though out the meal. Taking 16 tablets in one go before of after the meal would be very hard. As I understand it the tablets to work properly, need to get through the stomach to the duodenum hence the enteric coating on them (the anti acid shell). The enzymes then do their work in the duodenum so are best spread through the meal. The stomach mashes all the food up and disintegrates it with acid then it gets passed to the duodenum and then intestines to start the digestive process.




New member
hi i have somthing way diffennert i have fibromyalga and chronic fatuge and i was just woundering what cystic fibrosis was because i am a big girl im 5/8 i wheight 344 an i have a really hard time loseing wheight and i cant eat gressy foods with out getting sick and so can some one help me i dont look 344 i look 250 but i am scared and i dont eat much cause food makes me sick so i was woundering if someone can help me please talk to other people about this my yahoo name is misfitgoody2shoes and on msn
thank you Autumn ps im only 18 years old