IS TRANSPLANT the answer



I am in preety good health, my pfts are 19, but i still go to school. hang out with friends etc. I will be going for the "workup" next week and have started to wonder if it is worth it. new lungs (i hear) last an average of 5 years. is it worth all the trouble for 5 years? i think my lungs right now can last me that long. any thoughts?


I am in preety good health, my pfts are 19, but i still go to school. hang out with friends etc. I will be going for the "workup" next week and have started to wonder if it is worth it. new lungs (i hear) last an average of 5 years. is it worth all the trouble for 5 years? i think my lungs right now can last me that long. any thoughts?


I am in preety good health, my pfts are 19, but i still go to school. hang out with friends etc. I will be going for the "workup" next week and have started to wonder if it is worth it. new lungs (i hear) last an average of 5 years. is it worth all the trouble for 5 years? i think my lungs right now can last me that long. any thoughts?


I am in preety good health, my pfts are 19, but i still go to school. hang out with friends etc. I will be going for the "workup" next week and have started to wonder if it is worth it. new lungs (i hear) last an average of 5 years. is it worth all the trouble for 5 years? i think my lungs right now can last me that long. any thoughts?


I am in preety good health, my pfts are 19, but i still go to school. hang out with friends etc. I will be going for the "workup" next week and have started to wonder if it is worth it. new lungs (i hear) last an average of 5 years. is it worth all the trouble for 5 years? i think my lungs right now can last me that long. any thoughts?


New member
My personal opinion is yes it is worth it. I had my transplant in May of this year and would do it again tomorrow if I needed to. Also something to think on - the statistics my show 5 years as an average, but there are plenty of people that are living 10+ years with lung transplants as well. Each year the technology gets better and the stats improve.

I would look into and make the decision for yourself. I will also be honest in saying that right now you may think you are healthy because you can still do "things". I thought I was healthy too and my PFTs were about 23% the day I was transplanted. I did not realize until I woke up from my Tx how sick I was. I was barely living a life it truly is amazing the difference.

Well I will stop now cause I am not wanting it to appear as though I am pressuring you. This is a very personal decision and you MUST be committed to the long haul. It is not a pass to keep from taking meds everyday for the rest of your life. It is still going to require daily meds and work from you for the rest of your life, but in my mind it is worth it. Before I was going to be doing daily meds and treatments for the rest of my life BUT I was still sick. Now I am doing these things and I can breathe - I can go play football, hockey, baseball, softball, tennis whatever I want if I want and when I want whereas before the idea of laughing or eating even made me cringe because of my breathing.

I would check it out and make your own decision because whichever decision you make is something you need to be committed too. I also questioned whether or not it was worth it and whether or not I needed it. I am glad I made the choice I made and I am sure you will make the right decision for YOU.

Take Care,


New member
My personal opinion is yes it is worth it. I had my transplant in May of this year and would do it again tomorrow if I needed to. Also something to think on - the statistics my show 5 years as an average, but there are plenty of people that are living 10+ years with lung transplants as well. Each year the technology gets better and the stats improve.

I would look into and make the decision for yourself. I will also be honest in saying that right now you may think you are healthy because you can still do "things". I thought I was healthy too and my PFTs were about 23% the day I was transplanted. I did not realize until I woke up from my Tx how sick I was. I was barely living a life it truly is amazing the difference.

Well I will stop now cause I am not wanting it to appear as though I am pressuring you. This is a very personal decision and you MUST be committed to the long haul. It is not a pass to keep from taking meds everyday for the rest of your life. It is still going to require daily meds and work from you for the rest of your life, but in my mind it is worth it. Before I was going to be doing daily meds and treatments for the rest of my life BUT I was still sick. Now I am doing these things and I can breathe - I can go play football, hockey, baseball, softball, tennis whatever I want if I want and when I want whereas before the idea of laughing or eating even made me cringe because of my breathing.

I would check it out and make your own decision because whichever decision you make is something you need to be committed too. I also questioned whether or not it was worth it and whether or not I needed it. I am glad I made the choice I made and I am sure you will make the right decision for YOU.

Take Care,


New member
My personal opinion is yes it is worth it. I had my transplant in May of this year and would do it again tomorrow if I needed to. Also something to think on - the statistics my show 5 years as an average, but there are plenty of people that are living 10+ years with lung transplants as well. Each year the technology gets better and the stats improve.

I would look into and make the decision for yourself. I will also be honest in saying that right now you may think you are healthy because you can still do "things". I thought I was healthy too and my PFTs were about 23% the day I was transplanted. I did not realize until I woke up from my Tx how sick I was. I was barely living a life it truly is amazing the difference.

Well I will stop now cause I am not wanting it to appear as though I am pressuring you. This is a very personal decision and you MUST be committed to the long haul. It is not a pass to keep from taking meds everyday for the rest of your life. It is still going to require daily meds and work from you for the rest of your life, but in my mind it is worth it. Before I was going to be doing daily meds and treatments for the rest of my life BUT I was still sick. Now I am doing these things and I can breathe - I can go play football, hockey, baseball, softball, tennis whatever I want if I want and when I want whereas before the idea of laughing or eating even made me cringe because of my breathing.

I would check it out and make your own decision because whichever decision you make is something you need to be committed too. I also questioned whether or not it was worth it and whether or not I needed it. I am glad I made the choice I made and I am sure you will make the right decision for YOU.

Take Care,


New member
My personal opinion is yes it is worth it. I had my transplant in May of this year and would do it again tomorrow if I needed to. Also something to think on - the statistics my show 5 years as an average, but there are plenty of people that are living 10+ years with lung transplants as well. Each year the technology gets better and the stats improve.

I would look into and make the decision for yourself. I will also be honest in saying that right now you may think you are healthy because you can still do "things". I thought I was healthy too and my PFTs were about 23% the day I was transplanted. I did not realize until I woke up from my Tx how sick I was. I was barely living a life it truly is amazing the difference.

Well I will stop now cause I am not wanting it to appear as though I am pressuring you. This is a very personal decision and you MUST be committed to the long haul. It is not a pass to keep from taking meds everyday for the rest of your life. It is still going to require daily meds and work from you for the rest of your life, but in my mind it is worth it. Before I was going to be doing daily meds and treatments for the rest of my life BUT I was still sick. Now I am doing these things and I can breathe - I can go play football, hockey, baseball, softball, tennis whatever I want if I want and when I want whereas before the idea of laughing or eating even made me cringe because of my breathing.

I would check it out and make your own decision because whichever decision you make is something you need to be committed too. I also questioned whether or not it was worth it and whether or not I needed it. I am glad I made the choice I made and I am sure you will make the right decision for YOU.

Take Care,


New member
My personal opinion is yes it is worth it. I had my transplant in May of this year and would do it again tomorrow if I needed to. Also something to think on - the statistics my show 5 years as an average, but there are plenty of people that are living 10+ years with lung transplants as well. Each year the technology gets better and the stats improve.

I would look into and make the decision for yourself. I will also be honest in saying that right now you may think you are healthy because you can still do "things". I thought I was healthy too and my PFTs were about 23% the day I was transplanted. I did not realize until I woke up from my Tx how sick I was. I was barely living a life it truly is amazing the difference.

Well I will stop now cause I am not wanting it to appear as though I am pressuring you. This is a very personal decision and you MUST be committed to the long haul. It is not a pass to keep from taking meds everyday for the rest of your life. It is still going to require daily meds and work from you for the rest of your life, but in my mind it is worth it. Before I was going to be doing daily meds and treatments for the rest of my life BUT I was still sick. Now I am doing these things and I can breathe - I can go play football, hockey, baseball, softball, tennis whatever I want if I want and when I want whereas before the idea of laughing or eating even made me cringe because of my breathing.

I would check it out and make your own decision because whichever decision you make is something you need to be committed too. I also questioned whether or not it was worth it and whether or not I needed it. I am glad I made the choice I made and I am sure you will make the right decision for YOU.

Take Care,