It's all in the infrared!!!


New member
Hi All

Just me with some more of my observations from the CF world.

I am sure that having IV lines put in are the bane of most of our CF lives at one time or another. As time goes on the veins in your arms are just harder to find. Admittedly some registrar's who have to site them are better than others but generally it is a real pain (literally). Well here's a thought.
At the weekend I was at an exhibition and they were demonstrating a security camera that was based on infrared. The sort of image you see on telly in a police helicopter chase at night (that show up the people being chased as white blobs).
What's this got to do with anything I hear you say, well in the camera (an image from which was being displayed on an adjacent TV screen) when you show the inside of your arm the veins all light up like a Christmas tree! The cameras work like a photo negative but black being the hottest colour, so as the blood in your veins is hotter than the surrounding tissue it makes the veins jump out like a road map!!! Even I could stick a long line needle into my arm and hit the vein!!
I wonder what chance there is of this technology being adapted to suit our needs, just a thought?




New member

there is such a device
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
it is called Fluoroscopy and they have different size cameras. One for hte OR and one at bedside.


New member
Its nice to see you using your brain for good things!

I have "fluro" done everytime I have a PICC inserted. They used to just try and see if they could get it in, and if not whisk me up to interventional radiology-and use fluro to put it in.
Now, I go right to fluro every time. It's a beautiful thing!!!!!!!!!!! Now a completely 100% pain free PICC insertion would be awesome! A pain free lydocaine-uggh that stuff is the worst.