IVF/IUI to get pregnant


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Well, Christian my e-mail sounds a lot like yours. (Congrats by the way!! Maybe we will be pregnant at the same time <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> )

I also have the green light to make a baby. Well, it is now official anyway. Except, we have been off the record trying for almost two years. I have been charting my temps for years, doing the peeing on a stick thing, and a saliva monitor. My bathroom looks like an alter to the ovulation gods <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> Anyway, I am so regular you could set a calendar by me. I have never missed a month since I was like 13, and my ovulation dates are always the same. But, I still haven't gotten pregnant. So, I know it is the whole 28 years of thicker mucus thing. I have an appointment with a fertilization doc at the end of the month. I've read up on it, and I have had several friends go through it, but I am freaking out. Has anybody done this? What was the success rate the first time? I think an IUI sounds less invasive, but I don't know if it works as well. Has anybody had that done?

Was anybody else closer to 30 before they had their kid. My clinic makes it seem like I am ancient <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> But, they are very excited.

I am sooooo excited. Send lots of baby dust my way!!!!!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hey, that's great news! Good luck and keep us posted! Sorry I don't have any info for you. IUI - is that like artificial insemination? Cause my doc said that when I'm ready to start trying for kids, that they can poke through my mucus plug and knock me up that way (I'm so crass - lol).


New member
Have you ever tried using the Robitussin product to try and thin the cervical mucous? Just an idea before you step to an IUI or IVF treatment, because both are invasive and the latter is quite expensive.

I do have a friend who has CF and she got pregnant with twins doing IVF. Can you PM or email me with your contact info and I'll give it to her. Also, I'll direct her to this post so she can post to you about her experience.


New member
I wasnt trying to get pregnant, but here is my story. I didnt use birth control for 12 years. Most of that time was with my first husband. I was only with my second (current) husband for 10 months when I got pregnant. Granted I think we had more sex in those 10 months then my first husband & I did all total, but anyway.....to answer one of your ???. I was 29 when I got pregnant & had my daughter 1 month after I turned 30!


I don't have CF, but after a year and a half of trying the old fashioned way, I did finally get pregnant via IUI on the first attempt. I was like you, very regular, charting, it just wasn't happening, and according to all of the tests that came back negative, for no particular reason.

Anyway, the IUI is a pretty simple procedure ... MUCH less invasive than IVF. I had to give myself a shot in the stomach something like 10 days before ovulation, but that was about as difficult as it got. I had been on Clomid that cycle, so I was monitored frequently (there is a small chance of bad side effects, although I can't remember what they are).

I was so excited when that test finally came back with the two lines! The whole experience was very positive, and like I said, minimally invasive. The actual IUI procedure was about as uncomfortable as a pap.

Again, I don't have CF, but I was also 27 when I got pregnant with my first daughter.

Best wishes, and I hope this happens for you!

-- Jenica


New member
Here's some information on the robitussin that I mentioned,

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/normap/hints.htm#Infertility">http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/normap/hints.htm#Infertility</a> , it's the third paragraph down.

This woman used Robitussin to get pregnant, <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/9096/MyStory.html">http://www.geocities.com/Area5...tion/9096/MyStory.html</a> Just keep in mind about her story, that there are meds you can take during pregnancy to combat a lung infection, I'm sure you already know that though.

here's some info about the robitussin and fertility, it looks more like a 'research' site than a personal site. Seems to have some valuable information.

I know you said you were interested in IUI/IVF, but just wanted to mention this in case you had never heard of it/tried it. It's worth a shot.


New member
My friend who has CF and did IVF wrote me back. I sent you a PM with her email address in it. Let me know if you have trouble getting the PM.


Congrats on green light for trying. Most likely what's keeping the
pregnancy is the thick cervix mucus. I'm 38 wCF since birth. I
became pregnant at 32 (average age in holland for first child is
29, so fortunately I wasn't considered that ancient). I had IUI,
which was very simple. Sperm needs some treatment because of
insemination direct in womb (don't know correct spelling of this,
sorry I'm dutch, but you'll know what I mean). Washing takes place
in lab within 1 hour. The insemenation itself is very simple, takes
2 minutes, not painfull (just not comfy being in <i>the chair).</i>
When you're as regular as you say, you probably don't need hormon
treatment. You can indicate yourself, or with help of the 'sticks'
when you will be ovulating within the next 24-48 hours. That's the
time for the insemenation. I went through exactly this and got
pregnant first time with IUI. This is much faster then the average
with IUI, but that's because the average cases include all kinds of
causes for infertility like the hormon deficiencies etc. Much more
complex causes of infertility then 'we' have. That's just the mucus
in the cervix that obstructs the way for the sperms. Everything
else works properly. IVF is of course much more complex, with daily
hormon injections (you can do yourself), painfull recovery of the
eggs, fertilisation outside the body and subsequent replacement of
embryo. Lots of hospital visits and a lower succes rates. Go for
the IUI if everything else works! I wish you lots of luck and
happiness. Tell us how it went


New member
.hi irishgirl, on a sidenote ...your sig , are you helen keller or is it that famous deaf musician? just curious<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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With my son, I wasn't trying, I just got pregnant. With this baby, we tried for over a year and then went to IUI. We got pregnant on our first IUI - but sadly, I miscarried that baby. A month later we had another IUI and I got pregnant again. I am now 22 weeks. I was on humibid (guafinisin) when i got pregnant with my son, so that might have helped that time. The docs suspected that maybe in the 7 years between pregnancies my cervical mucous might have thickenend up enough to inhibit the sperm from getting through the cervix, but we don't know. I will be 29 when this baby is born!


New member
Congrats on everyone who is trying for a baby!

I am not trying for one BUT I do take Robutussin for my mucous. My gyno recommended it and I have had great results. I suggest giving it a try<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Holy Crap Irish Girl!!! WOW!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

I'm so happy for you. My goodness, there are wonderful things happening everywhere if you look for them!

I didn't get to read all the replies to this post yet, and I will-but I just wanted to say ASAP how happy I am for you and proud of you for all the work I'm sure you've had to do to get to this point! It's a weird feeling, isn't it? I mean-amazing and happy but weird. Hard to get used to.

The best advice I've gotten so far to help deal with this process is from my MIL, who said after I came home from the clinic last week with the good news (that I could go ahead), I was excited, but scared b/c the reality of the news hit me-she said-"If you could get to this point, do all the work to get to this point-you can do it!;Whatever you had to do to get to this point physically AND emotionally-just keep doing and the baby will come."

Keep the strength up-and we will definately be here to support each other through this process!!!!!


New member
Just wanted to add and reply to your actual question-I was so happy I got carried away!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">

I have never heard of IUI-sorry. IVF, sure talk to Julie! I have a good personal friend who's hubby has CF, and she had to do IVF. After years of deciding if she should-she did and they got pregnant the very first try! So you never know!

Someone mentioned the Robitussin thing, and I also have heard that it can help getting you pregnant-just a word of caution, make sure to use Guaneffesin-(SP?!) only, not Robitussion D, or any other type of cough medicine! The Guaneffesin is an expectorant only-thins mucus, ALL other cough meds have cough suppressant in them-and that's very bad for us CFers. I'm sure that 99% of you all know this-(DUH) but I just had to say it. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> -in case u didn't! Some med proffessionals have told me of women with CF that tried it, but used the wrong thing and their lung function delcined as a result. I've been told this warning by my naturopathic doctor too, so it's not just a warning from a medical doctor!

Along with that to thin mucus, I have been reccomended other things by my homepathic doctor-and if you're interested please personal message me. I don't like to "advertise" or "promote" things for all to see-but if anyone wants the info I'm happy to share. I'm starting to take all the extra nutritonal and supplemental stuff now too-before I start trying to help thin the mucus down there!

I've also heard of procedures done to clean out the mucus around the ovaries and fallopian tubes to help conceive. I know that its a fairly non-invasive procedure. Have you asked your doc about that?


New member
Janet, Helen Keller was a young woman who was both blind and deaf and her family hired an instructor to work day and night with her, teaching her sign language in her hand. It was quite the difficult task for someone who was deaf AND blind, but helen Keller was out of control and needed something. It's actually quite a fascinating story to read, there are many books regarding the life of helen Keller.


New member
Thanks for all of the replies! I have been doing the Mucinex/robitussin thing for a year now. I know the mucinex name brand has 600mg, the generic (well our generic) has about 400, and robitussin has about 200. So, I have been taking 1 mucinex every morning. Maybe I should try 2? I don't want to od. Death by guaffenisin doesn't sound fun <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0"> j/k. I think I will definitely ask about the IUI first. Of course the doc probably has his own agenda, but I didn't want to go in unprepared and without a choice. Julie, how do I get in touch with your friend? Janet, I love the quote by Helen Keller, because I think she is an amazing woman. I read her story in maybe 5 grade and I thought it was amazing. Anyway, I heard the quote and it has stuck with me all these years. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I had another question about cfrd. I do not have it, I am not even borderline or anything. My clinic was saying that if you haven't developed it by the time you are in your early 20's then your risk of getting it are cut way way down. Is this true? I know what pregnancy does to a normal pancreas ( I have two 'normal' friends right now with gestational diabetes). I had never heard of this. Anyway, he may have been smoking something but I thought I would see your opnions. Are there any ways to cut your risk down while you are pregnant?

Woohoo, I'm on my way to becoming a mommy!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
Are either of these procedures extremely expensive? My husband and I have been trying for a baby for about a year now. But I haven't used any sort of birth control for about 3 years!! And nothing has ever happened. If I understand correctly, the IVF is more expensive?? Could someone fill me in on this?


New member
I posted above (in one of my many posts-sorry about that) about some specifics on the robitussin. I meant to include one more link but failed to do so (oops). Here's some doseage inforamtion on the rotitussin:

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote>It is recommended to take <b>at l<u>east</u> 2 teaspoons of Robitussin syrup, 4 times per day</b>, or the equivalent in pills. <b>It is also necessary to take large glass of water with each dose to help the liquefying action</b>. It is a not a very dangerous drug, with little or no side effects or drug interactions, and is available with or without prescription. I had read this in a magazine, during the time that I was trying to get pregnant. And since then, I have seen it elsewhere.</end quote></div>

Here's the link that's more of a medical page: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/cm.html">http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/cm.html</a> This one is the best to check out as far as doseage, increasing the doseage, when is the best time to take it (cycle wise...) and so on.

I sent you a PM with my friends email address. If you didn't get it, email me at division902@hotmail.com and I'll forward it to you. I just don't want to post it here. She did IVF to get pregnant because she had some other issues too, but it might help to chat with her.

Have you had a ferility work up? some hormone tests and other tests to make sure you don't have endometreosis or other issues? Good luck and email me if you didn't get the PM.


New member
IUI generally runs $200-700, more expensive if you have to take any sort of hormones like clomid to stimulate egg production (also more likely to end up with multiples with clomid). If it's just a cervical mucus issue, it's generally pretty inexpensive. Although many insurance companies will cover clomid or other egg stimulants if it is NOT used with any sort of reproductive technique, so get some now and stock up if you can!!!!

IVF starts at about $8500, ours was about $15,500 because of the sperm retrieval and I was hyperstimulated from the meds and had to have my uterus drained 2x. NOT FUN!!!