IVS changed every 24hrs??



So my friend has cf and has been in hospital since last week. She has a port, but lately hasn't been working. They gave up on port & put in IV, but changing it every 24hrs...is that normal? I thougt IVs were good for few days. She's just miserable & wondered if this was normal to happen.


Super Moderator
Long long ago I used to get the small, peripheral IVs to get started on my IV meds but they never lasted longer than 12-18 hours for me. They were also temporary until I get get into IR to get my picc line placed. The medications were just too strong for the little veins those IVs go in and they would always cause severe pain or blow the vein within that time frame. Have they tried anything to get her port working again? Mine has clotted off before and they had to use this really strong clot busting med to get it open again. Ports do die after a while so that may be the situation with hers. Have they talked about a picc line? That would be a much better option than a new peripheral if every day.


New member
I can usually get 3-5 days out of a decent peripheral. 24 hours, as long as the IV is running fine and she has no pain or redness as the site, seems a bit short.


New member
We just finished home IVs with my daughter and she had that line in for 2 whole weeks! I was surprised they could last that long. Changing it every day sounds a bit much to me. My heart goes out to your friend. You know what they say, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it!" Sometimes you just have to really fight and/or ask the right question to the right person. Gook luck & wishing her a speedy recovery!