Jewlery and CF


New member
I was wondering if anyone else has the same problem as me... All my jewlery is breaking right off of me... My necklaces are just falling right apart the chain is litterally crumbling, my braceletts are turning colors so fast and then the chain breaks... I know that I have had CF my whole life even though I was just dx at 29 but I don't recall my jewlery breaking before...

It really is frustrating to me because I buy this cute necklaces that are lasting one day if I am lucky... Is their a reason that you can think of that all of a sudden my necklaces are falling apart...???

I never really wore that much jewlery before so maybe it was always there and I didn't notice, do you think it is the salt or maybe could it be the meds????

One last question, since I started Pulmozyme my voice is nothing more then a rhasphy squeak, even on my off Tobi months.. It drives me crazy because everyone thinks I am sick.... and I spend half my day trying to tell ppl that I am not sick...will my voice eventually get used to this or is this my new blessing to live with?

Thanks for you help,



New member
I don't know for sure, but my medic alerts and stuff used to wear away (though they nver wore straight through). We always assumed it had something to do with the extra salt in my sweat. Mike wears the medic alert I used to wear when I was in elementary school around his neck now. One of the coolest things about it is that you can see where the salt wore away some of the silver.

As for Pulmo, it changes from one person to the next... I've been on Pulmo since I was 9. And it wasn't always bad, but the last few years, I haven't had my full voice at all. It varies, sometimes I get pretty close, but I don't remember the last time I had full range of my voice. It may stay with you. It may not. It seems to be staying with me.


New member
I have a fossil watch thats silver, and the part thats on my wrist is no longer silver looking, its got pits in it and although its not rust it looks brownish and is rough instead of smooth now. I just assume its from the salt eating at the silver. I have had it for years though. Although i used to not sweat as much as i do now. Its weird, someone said you dont sweat real easy if you are sick...which i dont understand. Also I dont mean to say you buy cheap jewlery, but sometimes jewlery thats not high quality metal breaks easier under any circumstance, and i would assume alot easier if its been exposed to salty sweat that eats at it. Since your high dosage of prednisone have you noticed you sweat alot more than you used to?

I had to quit pulmo as it made me broncho spasm after using it for 11 years. It would make me hoarse too. I even tried to use it again last time i was in the hospital and it made me lose my voice and had small bleeds. Like emily said its different for everyone but i do remember the hoarse raspy thing.


New member
i dont really wear jewellery but when i was in primary and highschool i use to play classical guitar *ugh*. i would always turn my strings green. no one else turned their strings green, only me. everyone was afraid of me touching their guitars. definately has something to do with our sweat.


New member
Ha! I also corrode my clasical guitar strings quickly, and my fretboard is pretty much eaten through with salt. Everyone thinks I must be playing 20 hours a day. (Then they wonder how it is I'm still no good!) Still, the CF guitar has acquired a nicely mellow sound. Maybe we're inventing a new style!



New member
I have always had problems with necklaces breaking fairly quickly. I always thought I was just rough on them because I always where them (exept during chest xrays) & sometimes they get caught on things. I never thought that they might be getting "brittle" from my sweat. Why I didnt think of it I dont know.


New member
Salt makes metal oxydise (sp??) faster (that's why cars rust so fast in coastal areas) so if you're buying cheap jewelry its going to wear down faster. Even silver is a very soft, weak metal and on your salty skin it will tarnish fast. I've never had problems with my gold jewelry.


New member
AWWWWW Emily that is so cute that Mike wears your old bracelett around his neck.. What a sweet and loving thing to do.... I just had to comment on that ..... He sounds like a keeper........

I don't know if it is the steroids that are making me sweat more or what, I don't feel like I am sweating more than normal... but Manda you can say I buy cheap jewlery anytime cause I do some of my cutest peices were cheap but even my expensive stuff has disenergrated...

I guess I will chalk it off to being salty.... I guess you all wrinkle quick in the bath tub too.. My fingers are wrinkled within just a few short minutes... To bad salt wasn't worth more......we would all be rich
