Joan Jet and the lizardqueen


New member
Went to Joan Jet concert at our fair last nite--think she looks like our lizardqueen. Anyone seen JJ lately? Think Liz looks like her? Liz you are a rock queen!!!


Digital opinion leader
Terri, That sounds so fun. She was one of my favs, during college. I was a punk wanna-be (attitude but not enough balls to be hard core). Its so funny to see those performers age. Joan Jett is a great performer, but remember when she was considered hard-core? My fav- bad reputation.

Hope you had a blast.

I agree, I can see a similar essence between Liz and JJ too.


New member
Well I'm not sure that I see the resemblance, but I'm honoured that you would think I look like her. I love Joan Jett! That being said - I haven't seen anything new of her (last video I saw of her was from the 80s), so maybe I do look like her. LOL. I have been told though that I look sort of like Uma Thurman.


New member
OK I think its there, but to be sure we need Liz to spike her hair & put on eye shadow! Maybe send her to that show that does makeovers of you into a celebrety! HA


New member
Not sure if you remind me of Uma Thurman
because I didn't know what she looked like until
I say her picture posted.

With that Develish look in Your eyes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">
Liz,, You always reminded me of
Nellie Olsen from Little House

I hope this affend You, Ya just do.....<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

oh shoot,,, not logged in.
this is brad


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Not sure if you remind me of Uma Thurman

because I didn't know what she looked like until

I say her picture posted.

With that Develish look in Your eyes <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">

Liz,, You always reminded me of

Nellie Olsen from Little House

I hope this affend You, Ya just do.....<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">

oh shoot,,, not logged in.

this is brad</end quote></div>

OMG Nelli! Ya know....Nellie ended up marrying a jewish boy & having twins (1 boy & 1 girl)


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>


I beleive You are Correct

and was very Happy............</end quote></div>

**shyly admits that I know I am right** her mother was livid that they would raise a baby jewish especially a boy so when she had a boy & a girl, everyone was happy!


New member
yes, I remember that...

he Mother was not a nice person at all...

and POOR Neils, he Husband, lol


New member
I don't see the resemblance with Nellie Olson, but I can see it sort of with Uma Thurman.

<img src="">


New member
I have been told
I look like a young Santa.
must be the cheeks and beard...

anyway, HO HO HO !!!!!!!


New member
Joan Jett's hair is short and spiked and BLACK!! She must have dyed it black bacd to her original--cause she's an original--like our Liz!