jobs that a cf'r can do?


New member
jobs that a cf'r can do

ok im 20/m/with cf and im liveing with my dad. im collecting dissabilty but thats still not covering all my bills and i want to start going back to school. so i need a job, however i dont know what i would be able to do exactly. im not really qualified at anything and have onbly had one part time job acouple years back when my health was better. but with me wanting to become more independant i need to work, so i was just wondering what all you guys do for a liveing and how your employers look at you or how they looked at you when you told them about your illness.


New member
hi,i have cf and a part time job i dont find it any different i were just honest and said that i may be in hospital, but not very often. I do around 24 hours and do a full time course at college doing nursing. you just have to get on with life theres enough problems with out worrying about bosses if they dont give you the first job keep going its their loss keep your head up high.good luck jo


New member
Im 30 yr old female with CF...I work full time in an office as an office manager. I also am a full time mom and wife. I told my employer up front about CF...and that I might get sick...and need time off. He has been excellent ...this month is my 3rd year at this job and I couldnt ask for a better boss. I have had several jobs that werent so nice about it....I've been hospitalized twice since I started this job...and recently had to take 3 weeks off this past November because of pneumonia....he even paid me for that time off. I really think there are jobs out there that the boss will might be a little trial and error....but eventually you will find one. Good luck...take care!Dea


New member
Red i am in the same boat you are in, i am 22 male living with my dad and on SSI, right now i am attending school for computer networking and i am interning 24 hours a week, i am planning on working full time when i am done with school in march...i knew i could do it and noone in my family thought i could..but you can do what you want and don't let anything stop you not even cf..