Josh is still sick


Digital opinion leader
Josh is still having fevers daily, although not as high. He is eating little bits but still feeling very weak. His doctors are not sure what's causing them, but they suspect is could be the rare mycobacteria he has that is becoming aggressive. Another idea is that his lungs became extra junky "on the periphery" when he was dehydrated. They have said if he does extra H saline and PT, it should get better. He is getting discouraged and sad and we're sad for him. He really wants to be home for his 15th birthday on Tuesday, but its unlikely.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">

Send some good thoughts and prayers



New member
Oh, the poor little thing!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I'm so sorry for all of your right there, I wish there was someway to help *hug*


New member
Oh Jane, I feel for Josh....who wants to be in the hosptial, especially on your birthday. Im praying for a fast recovery and that they find out exactly what it is causing the fevers. Tell him to hang in there even though its rough...Reece would say givem' a high five!!!! ( that always gets a smile out of him) You hang in there too. Take care of yourself. Were thinking of you and your family!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> Please keep us updated!!!


New member
Sending thoughts & prayers.
It would be hard to be in the hospital on your birthday, especially at his age.
I hope he gets better soon & please keep us posted.


New member
Thanks for the update, Jane. Keep them coming.

It must be hard for him (and you all) to think about being in the hospital for his birthday. He's way too young to see turning this thing around as the best birthday present he could get.

I'll be keeping you all in my heart...and hoping he does get the birthday present of no fevers and good appetite.


New member
Thats a shame he has to be feeling so bad at the time of his Birthday. He will get thru this, its just a bump in the road (as my Doctor always used to say when things go wrong). Hugs to all of you !! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I am so sorry that Josh is still so sick...I know he must be so frustrated. Tell him to hang in there, I know he must be frustrated. Hugs to both of you, Jenn <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


Digital opinion leader
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Jane</b></i>

Josh is still having fevers daily, although not as high. He is eating little bits but still feeling very weak. He really wants to be home for his 15th birthday on Tuesday, but its unlikely.<img src="">

Jane</end quote></div>

Today he is 15. I hope he has a better day today. Yesterday was such a complicated day, too many things going on. All the teams of specialists (GI, CF, Inf. Disease,)fresh from the weekend had conflicting opinions about what's going on and all presented different plans for short and long care. Very overwhelming.
He will be very sad today, me too.

Thanks for all your kind thoughts


New member
<img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOSH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU<img src="i/expressions/musicnote.gif" border="0">
Good thing he could'nt hear me...LOL


New member
I am so sorry, Jane.
I can understand about the sad part. Hope you both have a chance to have a good cry - either separately or together. IMHO stuffing sadness just makes it more overwhelming.

I'll go over to the other thread to wish Josh a happy birthday.
Here I just want to wish <i>you</i> strength and peace on his birthday. Just want to say how much I admire your committment and perserverence to getting him to this age and in dealing with all of the docs (with conflicting ideas sometimes) to get him strong and out there living life again.

Keeping you in my heart,