Just found out I carrier of CF......


New member

My husband and I just recently found out we are expecting our second child. My doctor had me do a bunch of blood work including being tested for CF. I wasn't tested for this with our daughter. They called and told me I am a carrier. They are having my husband go in tomorrow to be tested as well. I honestly don't know much about this. What does this mean for me? Or our children? Any replies would be greatly apprectiated.

Cassie Family


New member
Let me start by giving you a bit of background info on carriers. About one in 20 caucasians are carriers of the CF gene. Carriers exhibit no symptoms (though there are rare instances of symptomatic carriers), and aren't considered to ahve CF. What your carrier status means for your children ultimately depends on the results of your husband's test. If his carrier screening shows up nregative, there is no chance either of your children can/will have CF. The only affect your carrier staus would have on them in this situation is that the kids have a 25% chance (I believe) of being carriers themslves. If your husbands test comes back positive for carrier status, there is a one in four chance that your baby will have CF. It is also POSSIBLE that your older daughter has CF, but if she exhibits no smyptoms it is unlikely. There is also a 50% chance your children will be carriers (once again, with no hleath problems directly related to being a carrier). Good luck, and come back with any other questions.


New member
Cassie family, you can go to my website <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com">www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com</a>, click on General Information and scroll down slightly. There is a "chart" of the probabilities of your child having CF, based on your status as a carrier, and once you know your husbands results. Although it's difficult, I encourage you not to get worked up until you know the results of your husbands test. Theres no sense in getting worked up if you don't know his status yet-especially being pregnant. I'm sure you know all this, just reminder and some encouragement.

Did they tell you what CF mutation you are a carrier of? Most hospital test only have capabilities of testing 25 common mutations, a laboratory called genzyme laboratory tests for 86 mutations and Ambry Genetics tests for over 1000 known CF mutations.

If your husbands test comes back negative, I would encourage you to still have a sweat test done on the baby after birth. sometimes rare mutations are missed on the blood tests, so just to be sure, you should request a sweat test.

I wish both of you the best and please keep us updated on the test results!

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member

I wouldn't be too concerned initially as all the chances of both you and your husband being carriers is odds the equivilent of winning the lottery.

If your husband was by chance confirmed as a carrier my advice would be to consult a genetic specialist, they will fully explain to you the various gene mutations and the maths behind the chances of your kids having CF.

On the bright side i have CF and my wife is not a carrier and we have two beautiful healthy little fellas running around.


New member
TO Cassie:
First of all I am sure that the reason this test is being done for this child, but wasnt done for your daughter is the change offered by the American Pediatric & Obstetric Associations. They both now offer CF screening along with all the others tests that have been offered for years. Until this passed the only ones tested for CF were those with family history. Which of course makes sense because without family history you usually dont know what CF is unless of course you have a friend with it & then depending on the doctor they might not feel the test should apply to your family. "Breath"...Did you get all that?!<img src="i/expressions/moon.gif" border="0">


New member
Annonymous at 2:42 am, I have a question if you are so inclined to answer. Being that you have CF, were your little ones concieved naturally or via artificial means? I am asking because I am looking for IVF success stories to post on my website, www.cysticfibrosismaleinfertility.com. If you are at all interested, please please email me at division902@hotmail.com or cystic_fibrosis_male_infertility@yahoo.com. If you want to submit but wish to remain anonymous-no problem, I can change names, cities and such but am desperately trying to find more success stories for those going through these procedures now.

THank you,

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
I just figured out the odds of two CF carriers winding up creating a child together (assuming both are white).... its 1 in 400.