Cassandra, I'm guessing they found alleles like 5T, 7T, 9T. Does that ring a bell?? These alleles are generally found with a CF mutation. The alleles, in and of themselves do NOT cause cf but if they found TWO alleles with one CF mutation, that's suggestive that there is another mutation because generally you have no more than one allele from each parent (in addition to the actual cf mutation). It sounds to me like they used the Genzyme test to identify mutations. In white, anglo-saxons it will identify both mutations about 90% of the time. The other 10% have rare mutations that either have not been found or can only be picked up on Ambry's genetic test which screens the entire DNA sequence and can pick up ALL genes (the problem is that some have not yet been identified as CF mutations because they are so rare and have not been seen in enough cf individuals to be recognized as a gene. I know that's all very confusing. Your cf doctor can probably give you a better explanation since he/she is more accustomed to explaining than I am.
Regardless of when/if they find the 2nd gene, your dd's sweat test was positive which is conclusive for CF. Like everyone else mentioned, if your dd is not being seen by an accredited CF specialist at a CF center, please request that she be referred ASAP. If you're not sure if it's accredited, you can check out the CFF Org, and/or post which hospital she is at HERE in the hopes that someone will recognize it. As far as her care, have they started her on enzymes now? Is she receiving some form of chest physical therapy? (aka "clapping", "percussion", "the vest", etc??) If not, I'd definitely request that those be started immediately. If you have any other specific questions, please be sure to post. Welcome!!