<P>Courtney ended up in the hospital yesterday with a 104 fever and a cough. They let us come home today since the fever broke.Please bare with me because I have a lot of questions to ask.Courtney has never had any lung issues before. While in the hospital we got to see one of the best pulmonary docs in town. He had her do PFTs, sputum culture, and chest x-rays.He stated that the x-rays showed some CF damage to the lungs, not a lot, but some. I COULDN"T BELIEVE THIS WHEN I HEARD IT! I guess I have made myself believe over the years that we would be the "special CF case" and we would not have to deal with the lung issues. I know that is pretty dumb of me, but I think that is how I was able to deal with it all.Okay here are my questions............What are normal FEV levels for PFTs?What are considered "dangerous bugs" that show up in sputum cultures?Courtney showed positive cultures forBACILLIPOLYMORPHONUCLEAR CELLSDIPLOCOCCIbut was told that these were "normal bugs in the lungs"?!?!?!?Any info will help.....I am quite confused with all of this new info.ThanksSeana</P>