Just one question


New member
For people aged 13-19: how much involvement do you have in your treatment? What i mean is, do you have the final say about what medication or physio you receive (or is it your parents who do that?) and do you, personally, have the right to refuse treatment?


New member
I do all my own treatment except when my mom does the home iv's cas I don't know how. I don't do my treatments religiously and my parents know this. I get my mum to do the "clapping/thumping" every so often though. Are you a "school project-er?"<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
i'm doing a health promotion plan for teenagers with CF for my nursing course at univeristy. Hope u don't mind me asking questions. I may want to use your replies in my assignment, but it'll be anonymous. Please let me know if you'd rather i didn't use your reply because it's not a problem.


New member
i do all my treatement too. even the preperation of I.V's. And yes indeed i definatly have a say on what meds i go on.. If my doc wanted me to go on an anti-biotic that meant i couldn't drink alcohol for example, i would think twice about it!! lol.... but at the end of the day the doctor obviously knows whats best but its my life i should make the final desicions..agreed? its nothing to do with my parents neither, they have never disputed what i should or shouldn't go on. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

emmzyyy 18CF uk (not fcuk!!) lol sham!
-shrugs- i listen to the doctors...well..mommy listens...then mommy makes sure i do it...its more of a big role of responsability on my (our) part <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">