so my ob doesn't think i will make it to term because i'm so small. which i can understand...i am tiny. anyways i had a cf appt on thursday last week and much much to my surprise my numbers were down, so the doctor's decided a round of iv's was in order. sucks because we are so close to the end. anyways i'm 32 weeks now and at the end of the 2 weeks of iv's i'll be 34, i was thinking about asking my doc if i could maybe keep my picc in place (i know it sounds crazy to ask to KEEP it in) but to just make sure i flush it and heprin it a few times a day and have the dressing changed weekly. since my ob doesnt think i'll go to term, maybe it would make it easier to just have the access of the picc in place already for an iv when it comes to delivery. my viens suck really bad and when i was in the hospital last week they placed an iv while i was waiting on my picc on the under side of my lower arm (holy cow!! did that make my arm soooo sore!) and my viens collapse and roll and blow easy. what do you guys think? sorry if i bounced around too much and confused you lol.