

New member
Hi everyone! I wanted to know where kaitsmom is. Now I have no idea where she is, so if she was banned or anything for whatever reason(which is the only reason I can think of that she wouldn't be here), please nobody take offense. I'm not trying to cause trouble or anything. But I would like to know if anyone knows where she is. And while we're on the subject of mysterious people, has anyone discovered the perpetrater of:
Posing as julie
Disrespecting Admin
Bringing up the horse guy
Banning users with the reason being: your father seems like an idiot

Thanks everyone!


New member
Hmmm, I don't know. As for the perpetrater, I'm guessing it's probably the same person doing all of them. I have slight suspicsions about an actual person who it may be(not from this board, mind you), but I have disclosed that elsewhere, beneath a few other posts.
But as for kaitsmom, you're guess is as good as mine. Actually, I think I remember her being supportive of the horse guy, which makes me wonder if she wasn't banned.
Who knows?


New member
Eh? Oh yeah, I did. Actually, I made this topic under anonymous, in case I accidentally stumbled upon a touchy subject withought knowing it, I didn't want to be known as a troublemaker, especially with all of this about a hacker breaking into the Admin's part of these boards going around. However, I made this topic yesterday. When I looked at it today, it wasn't locked or deleted, so I figured it was safe to post on it as me.
Clear enough?

PS Who are you, Anonymous?


New member
For someone who is such a propponent of the elimination of annonymous posting, it is a bit unusual and hypocritical to start a thread as an anonymous user, eh?


New member
But why would you answer your own questions? Thats kind of odd...Especially when you asked about Kaitsmom and then in your second post you said 'as for kaitsmom, your guess it as good as mine!
Why not say, after you saw the post wasn't locked, 'by the way the last post was by me'
Sounds a bit strange to me!

Shamrock, x


New member
I really don't know. I was kind of annoyed that no one was posting, and I figured that maybe if I posted as me, it would appear two people had posted and start people up on posting on it. But I really don't know. Anyway, no matter. You know it's me, so that's that. And by the way, when I said, "as for kaitsmom, your guess is as good as mine", I meant, "You don't know, it seems, and neither do I.

But there's nothing to get all suspicious about. But, Anonymous, I guess you're right about starting it as an anonymous user. (sigh). Oh well, what the heck, ya'll know it's me, and we have this sorted out, so let's get back on the subject.

PS Shamrock, what do you mean it "seems a bit strange to you"???


New member
Using my computer knowledge, and flicking back through old and new posts, I think I've just figured out whats going on, and whos doing it. Im not going to say who it is, as there really is no point in bringing up stupid discussions. But I believe the person who has done some of this, is now behaving themselves, so Im going to leave it at that!


New member
Well I just thought it was strange how you answerd some of your own questions, I mean it is a strange thing to do. Plus when you did reply to it, you didn't make any mention of the fact that it was you who had written the original topic.
Just seems a bit suspicious to me, considering the topic's nature, but hey thats just my opinion. I don't mean to stir anything here or start anything, but Aragorn, were you around when Rider on the white horse was here?

Shamrock, x


I am still here and visit this site and another CF site daily, I only post occasionally and usually do not sign in but do sign my name after posting, I do not come on this site or any other to cause trouble, I am a grown woman and i think that some things are quite childish. I come to this forum because i find it very interesting to learn what others with CF go through, my daughter is only 9 years old and has only been really sick about 4 times, seems like alot to me but i guess we are fortunate, and as for rider, it seems that we both have some of the same biblical believes and i think that he is a brave young person, it is not very often that you hear of an 11 year old witnessing as he was. I know that some of you thought that he was annoying and yes sometimes maybe he was but i just kept in mind that he is only 11.
I really enjoy learning from this forum and reading alot of threads and posts, Julie has helped me alot not to mention many others, so please keep in mind that i too have my own thoughts and sometimes i post them and other times i just keep them to myself, really would not consider myself a trouble maker

Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">