
New member
Well! I decided to stop trying to kill myself. Becuz, i saw how much i hurt my friends. Tiffany, Jessica, Ashley, and KG. I told KG that i cut myself, and he almost made me cry. Cuz, i saw my much i hurt him by doing that. I don't luv KG but i really do care for him and i want him to know that. But i'm so afraid to hurt him. Cuz, i told him one day that i might be leaving, he got really upset and started to say " you going to leave me now" " you going to leave me know". And then he tried to play it off bye saying that i stay, i stay with him, and if i leave i leave. He doesn't know how much that hurt me when he said that and the way that he looked. I trust him know i really do. And if you all are wondering i'm half korean and half white. And KG is black. And i have no problem with our color. Cuz i lyk him so much!!!!! And the people in our school make fun of me for having a crush on him. And he has a one year old daughter. But that doesn't matter to me. As long as he spends time with his daughter, i'm kewl with it. <img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0"> But i'm done with the whole trying to kill myself thing, cuz i don't want hurt anyone in my life.


New member
I'm so confused by this whole situation, because Im wondering do you have cf? Out of the group of friends who has cf or do you all????????


New member
the friends i know from my school that is on here is demention2008, silentcry101 and Jfreak and i know more people on this site but i met them on here

tiffany 15 w/cf