Lake Water


New member

We are taking a family vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks tomorrow with our extended family. I was curious if any of you allow your children to swim in lake water? We will have access to a pool which is where we will normally swim, but we are getting a boat one day so I am worried there may be the opportunity to swim in the lake. Just curious how you have handled these situations.


Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member

We are taking a family vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks tomorrow with our extended family. I was curious if any of you allow your children to swim in lake water? We will have access to a pool which is where we will normally swim, but we are getting a boat one day so I am worried there may be the opportunity to swim in the lake. Just curious how you have handled these situations.


Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
<br />
<br />We are taking a family vacation to the Lake of the Ozarks tomorrow with our extended family. I was curious if any of you allow your children to swim in lake water? We will have access to a pool which is where we will normally swim, but we are getting a boat one day so I am worried there may be the opportunity to swim in the lake. Just curious how you have handled these situations.
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<br />Thanks!
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<br />Zoe mom to Kate wCF


New member
Yes, I am 15 and we live right next to a lake It has never bothered me except help because you are swimming and playing which moves the mucus and helps clear your lungs.



New member
Yes, I am 15 and we live right next to a lake It has never bothered me except help because you are swimming and playing which moves the mucus and helps clear your lungs.



New member
Yes, I am 15 and we live right next to a lake It has never bothered me except help because you are swimming and playing which moves the mucus and helps clear your lungs.
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<br />Savannah
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Hi Zoe,

We go to a local lake ALL summer long. Alyssa also has a gtube, and our doctor said it was just fine. We watch the bacteria count and if it were to ever exceed the wonderfully low levels it stays at, we would forgo swimming.

Go!! Have fun!!!


Hi Zoe,

We go to a local lake ALL summer long. Alyssa also has a gtube, and our doctor said it was just fine. We watch the bacteria count and if it were to ever exceed the wonderfully low levels it stays at, we would forgo swimming.

Go!! Have fun!!!


Hi Zoe,
<br />
<br />We go to a local lake ALL summer long. Alyssa also has a gtube, and our doctor said it was just fine. We watch the bacteria count and if it were to ever exceed the wonderfully low levels it stays at, we would forgo swimming.
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<br />Go!! Have fun!!!


New member
We also live on a lake and swim in it. We have had issues with e.coli in the past, but we are sure to watch the weekly test results often prior to letting the kids swim in it!


New member
We also live on a lake and swim in it. We have had issues with e.coli in the past, but we are sure to watch the weekly test results often prior to letting the kids swim in it!


New member
We also live on a lake and swim in it. We have had issues with e.coli in the past, but we are sure to watch the weekly test results often prior to letting the kids swim in it!


Staff member
DS doesn't like swimming, but he does go to the lake often during the summer -- wades, boats, plays in the sand. Only concern I'd have is if there was stagnation and that's not an issue where we go.


Staff member
DS doesn't like swimming, but he does go to the lake often during the summer -- wades, boats, plays in the sand. Only concern I'd have is if there was stagnation and that's not an issue where we go.


Staff member
DS doesn't like swimming, but he does go to the lake often during the summer -- wades, boats, plays in the sand. Only concern I'd have is if there was stagnation and that's not an issue where we go.


New member
We also watch the Department of Natural Resources website to keep an eye on bacteria type/count, and We wouldn't let Emily swim in anything that was out of the comfort zone. Nor would I, probably.

FOrtunately, she things lakes are "icky" and usually just plays on the sand. (I know, not much better, but at least I don't worry as much about that...)


New member
We also watch the Department of Natural Resources website to keep an eye on bacteria type/count, and We wouldn't let Emily swim in anything that was out of the comfort zone. Nor would I, probably.

FOrtunately, she things lakes are "icky" and usually just plays on the sand. (I know, not much better, but at least I don't worry as much about that...)


New member
We also watch the Department of Natural Resources website to keep an eye on bacteria type/count, and We wouldn't let Emily swim in anything that was out of the comfort zone. Nor would I, probably.
<br />
<br />FOrtunately, she things lakes are "icky" and usually just plays on the sand. (I know, not much better, but at least I don't worry as much about that...)


New member
Where do you find bacteria type and count? I've looked everywhere, searched everything I can think of and am coming up with nothing. We live in Oklahoma and my family lives near a lake and we have avoided it this summer bc of the fear of bacteria. We've been left our of alot of family outings.


New member
Where do you find bacteria type and count? I've looked everywhere, searched everything I can think of and am coming up with nothing. We live in Oklahoma and my family lives near a lake and we have avoided it this summer bc of the fear of bacteria. We've been left our of alot of family outings.