leaving the hospital


New member
So Casey is finally being discharged today. We have a lot of thihngs to follow up on though. PT, OT, speech, auditory, neuro, metabolic, infectious disease, and the list goes on. lol... I am happy to be able to say her cf dr has now classified her as having cftr Metabolic Disorder instead of cf. we will see where that leads us. Thanks for all of the thoughts, advice, and prayers. <3


New member
So Casey is finally being discharged today. We have a lot of thihngs to follow up on though. PT, OT, speech, auditory, neuro, metabolic, infectious disease, and the list goes on. lol... I am happy to be able to say her cf dr has now classified her as having cftr Metabolic Disorder instead of cf. we will see where that leads us. Thanks for all of the thoughts, advice, and prayers. <3


New member
So Casey is finally being discharged today. We have a lot of thihngs to follow up on though. PT, OT, speech, auditory, neuro, metabolic, infectious disease, and the list goes on. lol... I am happy to be able to say her cf dr has now classified her as having cftr Metabolic Disorder instead of cf. we will see where that leads us. Thanks for all of the thoughts, advice, and prayers. <3


I'm glad you are getting sprung. Its interesting that they are changing her diagnosis...so that means that NONE of this was CF stuff?


I'm glad you are getting sprung. Its interesting that they are changing her diagnosis...so that means that NONE of this was CF stuff?


I'm glad you are getting sprung. Its interesting that they are changing her diagnosis...so that means that NONE of this was CF stuff?