Left Out?


New member
Does anybody but me feel as though CF is left out? So many people know about Cancer, AIDS, and a lot of other diseases, but CF is just kind of left out. Some of the topics my Civics class have been debating about have kind of brought up these feelings, for instance, the topic I'm discussing, should more government funding be given to sub-saharan Africa for AIDS? Then we had the should we be giving money to help Iraq, and should we increase foreign aid, and others along those lines. I know we aren't totally forgotten about, and I understand that there are less CFers than there are say Cancer patients, but does that mean that we are less deserving? I'm probably sounding a bit irrational right now, but it's just something that's on my chest that I needed to get off.


New member
Unfortunately it is reality. CF doesnt affect the large number of people that AIDS & Cancer do. That it is why it is so important to get the word out. Not only about the illness itself, but about the chances of people being carriers. Here in the US 1 out of 25 people is a carrier of the CF gene. That is quite high. However; there are only about 30,000 people with the actual illness. Sadly its all about numbers & its a business. This is why finding another way of getting the word out to show the possible affects of a greater number is important. Imagine being a parent of a child who has such a rare illness that only 10 people in the WORLD have it. You think we have it tough with no media exposure or funding......imagine only 10 people in the WORLD. Makes you think!


New member
I thought about sometimes to. I wish that they could make commericals about CF or something to let people know thats a illness to. I know there are more AIDS and Cancer people but everyone has the right to know about all kinds of sickness.

tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
I agree as well. I look around and think no one has any idea what CF is. When we had to take Jaden in the ablulance I told them she had CF and looked and me like I had two heads. Then when she called the doc she said she has family history of CF. I wish there was more out there, but it seems the only time people hear about it is in May when they do the Great Strides Walk. It is a shame.


New member
wasn't someone contacting Oprah or something (couple months ago)? I was disapointed with Gray's anatomy because they had a cf case but never include the final statement...if you want to find out more about cf, contact...blah blah


New member
I also wish there was more awareness but I do think some are trying- Boomer Esiason for one. I was watching Family Feud the other day and one of the celebrities- it was a soap opera special- goodies vs baddies was playing for CF- she plays Sheila on Young and the Restless. Of course there is Celine Dion, Joan Rivers. I remember years back Gabe Kaplan- Welcome Back Kotter did a commercial- I believe his daughter has CF. Being from Alabama I also remember the great Bear Bryant doing a spot for CF- it said to kiss your child and taste for salt or something along those lines. Hoperfully more will continue to get the word out. Susan


New member
I remember the show "Soap" being on the family feud for CF years ago. Gabe Kaplan from Welcome Back Kotter & Joan Rivers were both spokes people for Cf years ago. There have been many celebraties with connections to CF. Unfortunately unless its out in the general public & not just in the CF community it kind of defeats the purpose I think!


New member
What annoys me is the misinformation. Every day I'll go into google news and search cf and last year there was a story with polcystic breast disease (cysts) and they called it CF. Then last week there was an article about a child with cysts on his kidneys, which they also called CF.

I try to spread the word, increase awareness, but it gets frustrating at times. But then I think about before DD was diagnosed -- all I knew was what I saw on an episode of ER. Kid waiting for a transplant -- smoking a ciggy with a nurse in the parking lot. Real impressive.


New member
I don't know if its different in the States, but here in Canada, we have commercials for CF. We had this seriers of commercials were one showed a girl of about 18 sitting on a chair talking about going to college, etc, or another one of a guy juggling balls saying that he can do this better with his girlfriend, and then underneath the caption it says something to the effect of: "your more likely to donate to CF if you know of someone dieing from it". Then there's the newer series of commercials - one is of a boy brushing his teeth, another of a woman doing laundry, and suddenly they have an attack and deflat...again "your more likely to donate to CF if you know of someone dieing from it" - something to that effect. The commercials are always so sad and negative. It gets the point across though.