Lemonade Stand


New member
My daughter is 6 yrs old and has CF. Almost 2 years ago we moved to a new area, and thought it was best to move before she started school. She went to kindergarten last year and made a lot of wonderful friends.
Over the summer she has played with her friends, gone to camp, and had a great time. Tonight we decided to go back to school shopping and have some mother daughter time together before going to grade 1.
When we got home my husband told me this story:
The doorbell rang and it was one of Ashley's friends with her mom and older brother. The little girl (also 6 yrs old) gave him a plastic bag full of change and explained to him that she had a CF lemonade stand today because she wanted to help her friend by raising money. The mom then told him that she came up with the idea by herself, and manged to raise $12.88.
I just had to share this story because I was so touched by it and I thought it was a beautiful thing for a six year old to do.


New member
**dabs tears**......kids can cruel, but they can be just as sweet & innocently helpful! That Mom must have instilled something in her daughter!


That is so sweet. Glad to know I'm not the only teary-eyed person on here. It's always nice to have that kind of friend.


New member
All I can say is that there are some really amazing kids out there. Its nice to here such good stories they are rare.