Each year we also do a letter campaign to raise money for CF research. We have been doing this since my son was an infant . . . he is now 3 years old. We have raised $15,000 over the past 2 years by doing so. Isn't that awesome? You would be amazed at how generous some people can be with their donations. One thing we include with the letter is a self addressed stamped envelope. That way, all they have to do is write out the check and slip it in the mail. This year, I wrote the letter as though my son was writing it. In the letter he explains how he has grown over the past year, tells about his experience with his recent hospital stay, what treatments he is taking and why, etc. We just sent this year's letter out last week and have already received $900 for CF research. Good luck to you!
Jodi, Mom to Tucker w/cf